The beginning.

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To start this story, we'll have to start at the very beginning.

"Veltor! The ceremony started... So hurry up." Jax, my friend, entered my room. I overslept for the graduation ceremony.

"Relax Jax, it isn't the first time I'm late for something important." I got up from my bed, I laughed at Jax's face and it said it all, he was annoyed. I started getting dressed, the graduation ceremony was not a big deal to me. Jax was rather tall, he was fit with broad shoulders and well-defined chest. He had platinum hair and very light blue eyes, slightly parched lips and a aquiline nose. He also had a scar on his left cheek, it had happened during the trials and when I had heard what happened I was really scared to lose him. 

"Just because you're 18 doesn't mean you can act like this anymore... You know how much it bothers Zeddrick." Jax sighed, he was always babying me and he always lectured me when it came to our teacher. Zeddrick is the elder of this school, he wasn't that old though, but he still taught me everything I knew and more. He raised me and I had huge respect for him, he was the only parent figure we had and he did a pretty good job at making sure there was always food on the table for all of us. When we would get hurt he was always there to bandage up our wounds, we got lucky to have someone like him to be our elder and all of us knew it so we never took him for granted. 

"Here I'm ready, now stop whining." I smirked at him, it was my job to annoy Jax and I loved every minute of it. I walked past him and started walking down the halls towards the room, where the ceremony was being held. 

"What do you think will be in the box?" Jax asked as he following me. Ever since we were kids, we've always wondered what was in our special box but we never did find out. They were well protected and Zeddrick always caught us in the beginning of our plans, the closest we've gotten was in front of the big wooden door of the room, we couldn't figure out a way to open it because it was closed using a spell that only Zeddrick knew how to undo. 

"I don't know but I honestly don't care either." There was no point in me guessing, I stopped caring about what was in it when I turned 12, there was no reason for me to have the box when I couldn't even remember who my parents were and I had no idea if they were still alive. I grew up in this school and the people in it were my family, I had no family outside of this school while growing up so me graduating wasn't going to change anything and I would always consider them my family. 

"I just hope it's a map... So I could travel to where my parents live." He mumbled the last part, out of all of us he was the one that remembered his parents the most. I hardly remember how they look like, after all, Zeddrick was the one who raised me and I was thankful for everything. Zeddrick was an odd man, short but very buff and a big beard with grey hair and , hooked nose and thin lips. He was a very kind and smart man, you wouldn't even know he was a Venator. We had finally arrived in the room, it was almost empty, probably because we were late.

"I hereby declare Wilston Malcori a true Venator, now take off your shirt and tell me where you want your mark." Zeddrick picked up a piece of metal, he was the one who would give us all of our marks and each mark would have a different meaning, with those carved in you, you were able to use magic. We weren't wizards so our magic was limited, we could use fire magic, wind magic, ice magic and the best one was the power to control someone's mind, but like I said earlier, it's limited. It would wear off in a short period of time, so we preferred using our weapons to defeat a monster. Wilston took off his shirt and pointed at his forearm, it's where he decided to carve all his marks. I always wondered what was in the piece of metal, some people said it wasn't metal and that it was a piece of very precious mineral. Zeddrick once told me that it took very precious people to build the piece of metal, it would take them years to craft it and Zeddrick would have to burn it with the special black flames. It would look like nothing at first but it did contain very powerful magic. Getting carved by it was very painful, because it wasn't at all like original fire.

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