The letter

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I placed the portrait on top of the other one. I grabbed a folded paper, I unfolded it to see a letter with very nice calligraphy.

Dear Alexis, our dear son.

To our little prince, our everything. Papa and I wanted to write you this letter in hope you'll one day get to read it. If you are, then you must now be a man by now, but you shall always remain our little boy. We named you Alexis Aldo Baldwin, the moment we saw your face we fell in love. We lived every moment with you to the fullest, you have given us the best 5 years of our lives, God gave us the best gift anyone ever gave us, he blessed us with you. Before writing you this, we had a lot of ideas but when I held the pencil we were left speechless. There's so much things we wanted to teach you, so much we wanted to show you but we were out of time before we knew it. Your papa and I love you so much, there's so many details we will always remember about you. On how you loved when papa used to sing to you, on how you loved the sun when it beamed on your face, on how you loved it when I read you stories, on how you hated green peas, on how you scared of bearded man other than your papa. It's the little details that matter. Right now you're sound asleep in your room, while me and papa are mentally preparing ourselves to tell you goodbye, there's no point in hiding just to buy us a few more months, you are the hero needed to save this world. I wish we could of just had more time to raise you and to watch your grow up, to see the young man you've become, but we were on a clock and now that's coming to an end. I hope you have made many friends, because that is crucial in life. I hope you find someone who will love you no matter what and someone who will support you, someone who will risk theirs lives just to save yours, when you do find that someone hold on to her or him. We know how everything works at your school, how you become when you grow older, how you're taught emotions cloud your judgement so they rather strip you away from those privileges. But you're still human, no matter how hard they try, you're still our sweet little angel who cries when papa sings you a sad song. Deep down you still have feelings, one day they might save you so please don't try so hard to lock them up away, help someone when you can and in return someone will help you when you need it the most. It's a circle of life, don't let people look down on you because you're different from them. You were born human, nothing could ever change that. Now we're running out of paper to write on yet there's still so much we want to tell you, you're our angel sent from heaven, please be careful on your adventures.

Love from mama and papa.

PS : My name is Athea Baldwin and papa's name is Felix Baldwin.

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