Chapter 1

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Adrian's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. They were playing a sweet melody and I smiled to myself. I feel like one of those teenagers in those cliche' movies. I sat up and looked around my pink room and saw how messy it is. I promise I'll clean it later, I thought to myself. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I did my buisness, brushed my teeth, took a shower, and went back to my room to get dressed. I put on my clothes and headed downstairs for breakfast.

 I went to the kitchen and was greeted to my mom's sweet smelling pancakes. I smiled and sat down at the table. My twin Audrea and my brothers were basically gobbling down their pancakes.

''Good morning champs'' I said.

They said good morning back and my mom handed me my food.

''So, you ready for school?'' my mom asked as she drunk her coffee.

''Yeah mom, why wouldn't I be?'' I asked after taking a bite of my pancakes.

''It's your second day of school'' she reminded.

''Your counting now?'' I asked smiling.

''Of course she is. She use to do this to me all the time'' Roberto said as he got up from the table.

''That's funny you remembered something that happened a few years ago, but can't remember the twenty dollars you owe me from Saturday'' Rico said to his brother.

''That was a precious memory. I only remember precious memories'' Roberto said smirking.

''Ok, that's enough now off to school everyone'' my mom said.

We got up, said goodbye, and walked to our old cars. I got in my '94 light blue Jeep and turned on Someone Like You by Adele.

I sung along with my sweet and lovely voice. I drove to school taking my time because I was early. I passed a huge clearing full of fresh grass, leaves, and free animals. I even saw a Gazelle run with her offspring. I love nature. It made me feel relaxing.

When I arrived to school and parked my car, my boyfriend Jeremy greeted me.

''Hey babe'' he said as he put his arm around me.

With every touch he gave me buttterflies.

''Hi'' I said as I gave him a peck on the lips.

Today was our 2nd anniversary and this one is supposed to be big. I mean BIG, if you know what I mean! I walked into the school and their were a rush of students. I may not even make it to my locker on time before the first bell rings.

I walked to my locker still beside Jeremy , but he was not really paying attention to me. I noticed he was looking at the popular girl, Diana.

''What are you looking at J?'' I asked as I grabbed my books out my locker.

''You'' he said.

I rolled my eyes and started walking(by myself) to homeroom. Then I met with my besties Alexis, Davon, and Jenna.

''Hey, you know what today is?'' Alexis asked. I smiled and nodded.

''What?'' Davon asked clueless. He is one of my best friends since 1st grade and he is a weirdo sometimes.

''Her and Jeremy's second anniversary'' Jenna said.

Then he suddenly frowned and walked away.

''You know he likes you'' Jenna said.

''No, he doesn't'' I said.

Jenna and Alexis just snickered and we continued walking to homeroom. Everyone who's in my class was there and I sat at my desk which was all the way in the back with Davon. He still looked pissed even when Nyle, one of his best friends, was talking to him. Then the teacher Ms.Marcella, came in and called for attention. 

After school I walked home coming up with a lie to tell my parents so I can be with Jeremy at his house.

His parents won't be home and his 3 older brothers who could care less what he is doing, will be there. I walked in and no one was home. I looked upstairs and my mom was the only one here. I went to the study and found her there. She was deep into her work. I just stood in front of her desk and began speaking.

''Mom, can I sleepover Jenna's house?'' I asked.

''It's a school night Mijha'' mom said. She always called me miha when she found me dancing to Selena, while watching the movie.

''Mom, I will hitch a ride from her mom. No biggy'' I said.

She sighed and nodded.                                                                                                                   

  I said thank you and then went to my room and began packing an overnight bag. I know today is going to be the day I would loose my virginity with a guy I love. A guy who has been nothing, but sweet and loving towards me. Unlike other girls, I am not nervous about this. I'm actually excited and ready connect with the love of my life, on a much deeper and physical level.

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