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We all sat up in the tree awkwardly, as no one was speaking to anyone. Kai took out a pocket knife from a pocket on the side of his pants and twirled it in his fingers. I looked at the spinning knife, up to his neck, and at his face. He seemed to notice and caught me in the act of gazing. He smirked. "What're you looking at?" He cooed in a mocking voice as he was trying to mimic a tough guy.

"W-well, nothing..." I mumbled quietly, but loud enough for him to hear it. "Tsk, whatever." He went back to his stern old face that I was already used to.

"I'm going to go check for the clear." Kanji said quietly. Kai gave a quick nod to his twin and he went to go check. He looked down out of the tree to see nothing but grass. "They're gone for now..." Kanji mumbled as he moved his hand forward, telling his brother to come. Kai quickly put the knife away and moved forward, looking down off the tree

Kai smiles as he jumps down off the tree and lifts a hand to his brother. I climbed over to where they jumped from and stared down. Kanji gave a hand to me, and I jumped too. It wasn't that big of a jump, but enough for you to feel like you were jumping off of a swing.

I felt nauseous as I hit the ground. What if they come to get me again? I feel a spark of anger and fear in me. I jammed my fist into Kai's back and he stopped walking and turned his head to me. "What the hells was that for?" He asked me while my fist was on his back.

"What if they come and get us again? What're we doing?!" I yelled at them angrily with my hand pounding against his back. He looked at me with a face I haven't seen before. It honestly scared me. That look could kill someone. You didn't want to make a guy like him angry.

"You're going to wake them up you dumbass!" He whisper-shouted with his look getting even more pissed then you'd think someone would make him. "Well, I'm not stupid enough to even bring us out of our hiding place, just to go out into the open and scream at each other!" I whisper-shouted back. "Why do you think we're going out in the open like this? To piss of the fakers that want the real humankind to die?! No! We're coming out her to find the lab where all of this started, to stop it!" He whispered at me as he grabbed the collar of the zipped up jacket he let me borrow.

Then he let go, trying to clam down. "Let's go...follow me..." He said quieter than ever, walking up to his brother. But, after that, he just kept on insulting me. Ugh he's so annoying.

"Hey Kanji." Kai whispered in his ear. "Yeah?" He questioned. "Didn't scientist come up with protons, neutrons, and electrons?" He asked him. "Yeah they did, why?" Kai slightly pointed his thumb at me and said, "Well,they forgot to mention morons." Kai insulted as we kept on walking.

Ugh I'm so tired of this. One more and I'll-

Kai came up to me and shoved me forcefully with one hand, and the other in his pocket.

"Being stupid is okay Mak, but your abusing that privilege." He smirked as he shoved me back a couple more times to get me angrier. It worked. I grabbed his fist and pushed it away. He snickered and walked ahead as I was so tired of his bullshit.

Next time I will teach him a lesson.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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