Top 10 reasons why Twilight is better than Harry Potter

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1 Bcuz Twilight has more LOVE and Harry pOtter is sooo boring!!! 

2  Bella is the most amazing person eveeerrr she's SOOO beautiful ,smart and brave 

3  We have Taylor Launtner HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE MUSCLES?!!?! 

4  Kristen Stewart is an amazing actress 

5   Harry is so mean to his friends in the 5th movie!! 


7  We have a bigger fanbase 

8  Jackb is SOOO AMAYZING!!! 

9  Harry Potter copied Twilight. Jacob BLACK and Serious Black can both ride motorcycles and turn into huge dogs. One of the may ways Rowling copies Meyer 

10  Stephenie Meyer is flawless.... 

U KNOW IT'S TRUE!!!!! :) 

Top 10 reasons why Twilight is better than Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now