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When Monday finally rolled around, the boys were skeptical about what would happen once they walked in. Sure enough they would be in trouble but what punishment would they recieve and why? They didn't cause any trouble but instead only tried to help. No one knew that Niall would freak out and hit an authorized figure.

Justin was the first to walk in the school, more like parade, and he didn't care about what would happen to him. He didn't want to learn anyway. Next was Liam, Louis then finally Zayn, who arrived two hours late. Niall didn't come due to being beaten by his father who got the call about him being expelled.

But before any of them could go to their classes, they were thrown into in school detention where they would spend the rest of the school day. The assistant principal was there to take away their phones and hand them pen and paper.

"You're going to write a two page essay on why you're in detention. No talking, no eating or drinking and definitely no sexual acts. I'm looking at you, Malik." And with that, he left but not before locking the door.

No one was going to write so the papers were thrown on the floor. Zayn sat in the back while Justin in the front and Liam and Louis next to each other. Silence and the creaking sound of desks from moving too much filled the atmosphere. It was a bit awkward until Zayn began to throw small paper balls at Justin. He was bored and tried to get the blonde's attention and succeeded once the boy stood to waltzed over.

"Would you leave me alone?" He harshly asked.

Zayn looked up to the ceiling with a smirk as if he were thinking before saying, "Mm, no. It's better to bother you."

Justin ignored him and sat in front of Louis to avoid the paper balls Zayn commenced to throwing at him.

Around twelve pm, they were fed crappy lunch and were told to stay quiet again. When Justin got up to throw away his paper tray, Zayn couldn't help but to look at the flamboyant's butt. It was definitely plump and round and Zayn thought what it probably looked like underneath. Maybe porcelain but not after what Zayn would do.

Before Zayn could finish daydreaming about the guy, he could feel blood rushing to his area and soon enough he was hard. It was the wrong day to wear gray sweatpants but luckily everyone was in the front.

After a while, Zayn's boredom began to kick in and he started to daydream again. He couldn't keep thinking about the seventeen year old so he decided to grab a piece of paper off the floor and write down what he wanted to say to Justin. When finished, he crumbled up the paper with his name on it before throwing it towards him. The ball hit Justin in the back of his head and he turned around to yell at the jet black haired boy but Zayn pointed to the paper with a confused Justin picking it up.

I know ive been mean to u but its only because i like u. Youre really cute and funny and sensitive and im sorry for treating u bad. Yours (hopefully soon) zayn.

After reading it, Justin looked back to see if it was a prank only to be met with a sympathetic smiling Zayn. In Justin's opinion Zayn wasn't as half bad as his personality made him out to be. He was hot and honest and maybe the gray sweatpants he wore occasionally would make Justin feel tingles in his spine.

A paragraph below, Justin began writing his response with hearts and a sweaty hand.

I like you too. You're sexy and funny. If you're really serious about this, you'll meet me at the library near the school to talk.

He threw it back with a fluttering heart and nervous fingers. He only knew Zayn from school but that didn't stop him from looking at the boy whenever he'd walk past smelling like laundry detergent and looking like sex. And maybe there were a few times Zayn would have sex with a girl thinking about how thick Justin's ass was.

Zayn smiled at Justin's response and how cute he wrote his letters before ripping up the note so no one could figure out what they were planning. Truth be told, Zayn only wanted Justin in bed but maybe he truly liked him more than what he believed he did. With a smirk on his face, Zayn leaned back into his chair and waited for four o'clock to roll around.

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