Chapter 1

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I like to think that everyone is the worst version of themselves in high school. Or at least I try to. This is what I tell myself as I walk quickly down the halls of West Wood High School. I try to dodge the couples making out, sweaty football players, the bitches that will destroy you if you simply annoy them or get in their way, and finally the teachers who you do not want to piss off.

Finally, I see them at the end of the hallway. The only two people who I actually care about in this dump. My two best friends, Natalie Danton and Lola Frazier.

"I don't know how much more of this shit heap I can take." ....Yup, this is how Natalie usually talks. "I'm so sick of being around these sweaty hormonal teenagers."

"You are one of these sweaty hormonal teenagers, you know that, right?" I pose this question already knowing how she will reply.

"We have already established this, I am not sweaty, nor am I hormonal." She flicked a bit of her emo, bleach white, layered, short hair, out of her icy blue eyes. Natalie prided herself on her emo attitude and look. She has a very soft, upside down rain drop shaped face, her face got narrower as it went down to her mouth. She had round eyes that were always the first thing you saw when you looked at her, they were so light and icy it was unsettling. Her hair was amazing, it is very layered, straight and bleached so it was white with dark roots. But what is most amazing about it, is that it actually looked good, like it was done by a professional when she actually did it herself. She was average height and had a nice full figure that I was envious of.

"You may not be as hormonal, but I've seen you sweat." Lola chimed in knowingly. Lola was just about the cutest thing you've ever seen. She's a junior just like me and Natalie, but a year younger because she skipped first grade because she's a super genius. She had a small narrow face with big, round, warm, brown eyes that were always filled with ambition. She had the most adorable pixie cut, that was a bit longer just in front of the ears so it framed her face really well. "But I agree with you, the people here are not fun to be around." She has thin legs that have a slight shape to them, a very small chest, a tiny waist, and she was maybe 5'2. What is really intriguing about her is that, she is very childlike in build and size, but you can just tell she is a teenager anyway.

"So do you guys want to come over for a movie tonight?" I asked while starting to make our way out of Satan's butthole (aka West Wood High School).

"I think I can, I'll just have to make sure my brother's asleep before I leave." Natalie says while digging for her keys in her bag.

"I'd to ask my parents for permission." Lola says while looking at the ground, embarrassed. Lola has the most overbearing, control freak, scary parents in the world. They push Lola so goddamn hard in school that I'm pretty sure it can qualify as child abuse. Lola has a natural talent for math, science, history, and english and with her parents pushing her to do even better, she has a 5.0 weighted GPA, 4.0 unweighted. She is usually doing school work or is at church, the poor girl is never allowed to do anything fun.

We start to make our way over to Natalie's black SUV in the student parking lot. The air was hot and muggy. It is the end of August, and it does not look like it's getting colder any time soon. School just started on Monday and I could already tell it is going to be a really hard year.

Natalie unlocks her SUV and I make eye contact with Lola, then we both look at the passenger door, we both run for the car. We reach the handle and we open the door with both our hands on it. We are tackling each other for shotgun. I'm halfway in grabbing the other side of the seat and Lola is grabbing my thin waist and trying to pull me out. I drop my school bag on the floor of the car and try to pry Lolas fingers off of my waist with little luck.

"It's my turn!" yells Lola.

"You had it two days in a row!" I yell back. I start to use my feet to kick her off my skinny body. I finally kick her in the stomach and she falls to the ground as I pull my body in, breathing heavily. Man, I need to exercise more.

I laugh victoriously and grin at Lola's adorably sad face as I pull the car door shut. Lola picks herself off the ground, wipes the asphalt off of her hands and gets into the back seat.

"I'm impressed, Gwen, You haven't won in two days." Natalie says with a bit of laughter in her voice while starting the car.

"You guys underestimate me." I say while looking in the visor mirror trying to fix my orangey red hair because it got messed up from the tackle I had with Lola. I then straighten my black framed glasses and put the visor back up. I then turn in my seat and flex my "biceps" jokingly, making Lola laugh and Natalie shake her head with a slight smile on her face. We turn out of the school parking lot and I look at my reflection in the side view mirror. I have big brown eyes that are colored like milk chocolate, a small face with a small chin, I am pale and my big black glasses makes me look even more pale. My face is similar to Natalie's because both of ours gets smaller towards the mouth and chin.

"Oh shit, I totally forgot to talk to my guidance counselor about fixing my schedule." I say suddenly. I have been meaning to switch out of GT chemistry into AP chemistry. "I'll just email her when I get home and ask to schedule an appointment."

"I still can't believe you want to switch from a GT class into an AP class, it's ridiculous and unnecessary." Says Natalie while flicking her blinker on and pulling into our neighborhood. Natalie isn't one for trying hard in school. In many ways, she's kind of like Lola's evil twin. "You should join me on the easy route."

"I would, but I love me some college credit." I say making Lola chuckle.

I few minutes and a Van Morrison song later Natalie says "Here we are." pulling into my driveway.

"Alright, text me in the group message if you can come over later."I say while getting out of the SUV. "Later, losers".  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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