Chapter 2

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Hey guys. This is the second chapter.

Enjoy. x)


Chapter 2

Ike's POV

The fist came at me like a bullet, making me forget everything. An average guy would have never been able to dodge that attack. But I’m not an average guy.

I learned how to fight when I was younger. I wanted to protect everyone I love. And so, I went to Kung Fu classes. I would get pummelled by a friend. She was the best at sports so being great at Kung Fu was no surprise to anyone. But eventually as I grew older and older, I began to win a few fights. Not soon after, I won almost every time. Which was why dodging that punch was incredibly easy.

You crushed her heart, a voice in my head reminds me.

Shock was the first reaction. Guilt was the second. In that millisecond that I had to react, I knew the right punishment was not to dodge that blow. To make my “sentence” worse, I made myself watch as Brian punches some sense that I seem to lack into me.

SMASH! The fist connects with something.

The… WALL? What?! There must be some mistake. Am I imagining this? What? That’s… impossible. Why wouldn’t he, the guy even adults wouldn’t mess with because of how scary he could be when he’s ticked, didn’t punch me and hit the wall instead causing his hand, which is worth more than my head, to bleed badly?

I guess my shocked look was the reason why he says, “Look. You have a lot of problems already.” He looks at me knowingly. “And giving you a black eye won’t make things better. So here’s the deal. Apologize. And no-body gets hurts. Am I clear?”

“But…” I start. He stares at me with a death look. Normally I wouldn’t get intimidated by glares, but Brian’s glare is scary. It’s a look that has the ability to kill someone. “That’s what I was going to do without you telling me to,” I answer sheepishly.

“Good,” he smirks. “Now, where do you suppose Reine is now?”

“Hmm… I think I know.”

I head toward the river. That’s where we first met.

She was sitting by herself on the grass that day watching the stream while other kids play. No one invited her. Maybe because she was different. But I thought it was sweet that she spent time looking at how beautiful the river was when it bathed in the glory of the sunset instead of playing, like many others. That’s because I did that as well, but only when I was alone. I admired that girl. She was brave enough that she didn’t care about how others might criticize her. And so I sat beside her. She either liked the company or didn’t mind or she just ignored me. That was okay. Eventually, she started talking to me and we could never be separated from there on. However, she was the complete opposite of me. And we argued a lot. But if you asked us, we actually enjoy our constant banter as surprising as that seems.

Also that was the place she always went when she was sad about something. I guess the reason she goes there is because it brings back good memories to replace the frustrating life that revolves around us.


I look up and down the river but I saw not one person. I’m guessing that Reine didn’t come here because she knew that this would be the first place that I would look. My heart died a little. She didn’t want to see me that much?

This was always our little secret place. Whenever one of us is upset, the other will go find them. Not seeing her here when I know that she is depressed and probably crying somewhere that I don’t know, is like needles stabbing and picking at my already dying heart.

I turn to leave when I saw a shadow escaping in between the buildings.

Without hesitation of any kind, I quickly follow the shadow as quickly and quietly as I could like a ninja would. I’m sure that whoever owns that shadow knows that they are being tailed because they hasten their pace.

I must catch up to that person. That guy might know where Reine is, if that person isn’t her.

The shadow turns a corner. Yes.  I already caught up. Come on, grab.

Nooo! The guy somehow disappears into the night.

I keep searching for fifteen minutes but I knew it was a lost cause. I’ll never find that guy. They would have been long gone by now.

I walk back home shamefully with tears tempting to stream down my face.


Reine’s POV

I watch sadly as the boy with the lion coloured hair walks away head down and tears glittering in the sunlight. Those tears fall one by one, making me long to wipe them away for him.

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