Chapter 3

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Hey. This is a longer chapter. It will seem like a filler (and it sort of is) but it's important for this story.

Enjoy x)


Chapter 3

Reine’s POV

I stayed up all night, locked in my bedroom, for guilt deprived me of sleep. I should have come out to say I was there watching. But I’m not as courageous as I thought I used to be. Now, I’m a just a dumb girl who can’t even figure out what her feelings are. And I hate myself for that.

After that stupid conversation, I couldn’t stop thinking about Ike. As a best friend, I know that I shouldn’t feel this way but I just can’t help it. He was, no is, my very first friend that I cherish and love. Finally. I finally was able to admit that I love him. That love ran deep in my veins causing me to react this way.

“Ahhhhh!” I scream in my pillow.

Why does this have to happen to me? Why? What have I done to deserve this?!

Thank goodness my brother isn’t here. He would have broken the door to see if I was alright. My protective brother. He probably forced Ike to say sorry. With that thought, I hate Ike now. He must have only looked for me because Brian told him to.

That thought remind me of Ike again. And I was so close to forgetting him for even just one second. Why does everything relate to him?

“Ahhhhh!” I scream again.

They say the letting all your frustration out helps you calm down. I used to think that it was weird but it actually works. I would have thrown a chair out the window but then my brother would send me to a mental institution to get rehabilitation and make me pay for the damages. Sadly, I’m broke, meaning that I would have to work for the money and I hate working. I spent most of my money – more like all of it – to go with Ike –

“Ahhhhh!” this time I punch my pillow too.

I’m hopeless. Thankfully, I skipped school today so I don’t see –



After I destroyed three of my soft and fluffy pillows, I unlock my door and venture out to the kitchen to find something to eat since it was noon and I didn’t eat breakfast. I open all the cupboards and discover only dust bunnies. The fridge was empty except for carrots, oranges and cheddar cheese. The colour of these foods is orange.

I cringe. Orange, orange, orange. Why does every single little thing take me back to the one think that I don’t want to think about? Why is life so complicated?

Since there was nothing else to eat, I munch on a carrot trying to be distracted. It didn’t work.

I go on all day in the same pattern. Eat, become depressed, eat, and become depressed and so on until I hear a knock on the door.

My heart speeds up. Could it be Ike? Cautiously, I look through the peephole. It’s…

Ulz. Why would he be here? I think for a moment. Ohhhh! He’s coming to give me my homework for the day!

I open the door and he hands me my assignments. Since we have all the same classes, we made an agreement that if one of us is away that day, we would deliver the homework to the other. He lives right across the street so it’s not much of a bother for either of us.

“Ike told me to tell you this. ‘You were absent today. You made me worry sick. I hope you come back to school tomorrow.’” He pauses. “He did worry sick. Sick enough that he had to go home. It was sad to see him so… deflated, so… out of hope. It kind of concerns me to see him in this state of mind.”

Love? Or Hate? (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now