2nd practise: Youtube

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(This was based on a writing prompt I found on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/5qojuj/wp_you_find_a_mysterious_youtube_channel_which/ )

It was a normal Saturday night when I discovered my daily life had been posted to the internet.

Like any introvert on a weekend, I was browsing through Youtube, lying on my bed with my back against the headboard and my laptop on my legs.

"Don't forget to like and subscribe if you haven't already, and I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye!" the vlogger said as the video transitioned to the end card.

'I wish my life was as interesting as theirs' I thought. 'All these popular Youtubers get to go to conventions, eat nice food and have actual money to spend while I work my ass off in a boring office job'.

The thought continued to stick as I browsed through my recommended videos until I spot something strange. There was a video titled 'A FIRE IN THE MICROWAVE?! | Vlog #62'; I first brushed it off as clickbait until I looked at the thumbnail. The setup of the kitchen looked strangely like mine and the person looked like me.

Curious, I clicked on the video bringing me to the video made by the channel 'Bridgett Conner's Life'. It was strange that the channel had my name in it along with the word 'Life' in it. The channel had over 2 million subscribers with the video accumulating 1.5 million views. My curiosity turned into dread after I skipped the ad to reveal a video of my house.

There in the video was me in my kitchen with my failed attempt of heating up leftover garlic bread from my movie night. I watched as the 'me' in the video puts the aluminium-covered garlic bread in the microwave for 30 seconds. 'Me' then went to check Instagram on her phone before realising there was a fire in the microwave and frantically trying to put the fire out. There was a voiceover that was heavily edited, probably to keep the uploader's identity private and for comedic effect. They were narrating and commenting on what I was doing and my decisions. It seemed this was a livestream that was edited to show only the good parts for the uploader was betting and seemed to be talking to the audience watching the stream.

This fire only happened a few days ago. I remembered everything that happened, all the things I did were exactly what the 'me' in the video did. I browsed through some more videos of this channel. There was a video of me at the local pool with the thumbnail of me in a swimsuit, obviously for clickbait. I checked the comments and regretted that when I saw the top comments. Some were praising the uploader while most where perverted comments about my body. None were about my safety and privacy. Reading those disgusting remarks nearly made me throw up. I felt violated and scared that in my bedroom was a camera recording my every move. My whole life had been uploaded to the internet and I wasn't even aware of it. Near the end of the video the voiceover asked for people to donate to their Patreon account for 'special gifts'.

My mind was running through thoughts upon thoughts as I clicked the link to this sick person's Patreon. If you donate $60 you can receive incriminating photos of me and if you donate $500 sexual videos of me will be sent. This person has received thousands of donations and I couldn't believe that so many people would pay this sicko. What I was glad to know what that no one had payed $500,000 for all of my private info but that didn't calm me down from knowing this person has all my private information which they can freely leak at the palm of their hands.

This person had shown millions of people my private life, this person has incriminating photos and videos of me, this person has invaded my private life and ruined my reputation yet people supported him. 'Thanks for uploading this' people have said, 'Do more!' people have said, 'Damn I'd f*** her' people have said.

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