He Just Came in....

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SORRY, I TOOK THE STORY DOWN! I had to edit a lot and make sure the story was going the way I wanted!

The bell rang, and it was time for me to go to the next class. The first day of school was not the easiest, but I found it easier this year.

It was senior year, and I had collected a group of acquaintances. I hope you noticed that I used the word acquaintances. I knew people from almost every click....well, not every click. When discussing the people and clicks, by click, that meant student government, and by people, that meant...GIRLS.

I only ever made good friends with girls. Guys always kept their distance because of my sexuality, and little did they know I was gay and not blind to ugly straight guys.

As I walked into my British Literature class, the first thing that caught my eye was the class. All the students were.....Athletes? I took a seat in the front as they whistled and mocked me about my sexuality. Bits of, 'Hey, babies' and 'That's your man..' were heard.

Of course, this didn't phase me; I had faced harassment for a while. Ever since I came out in Jr. High.

The class started; Mr. Martinez handed everyone their books, stood at the front of the room, and introduced himself. The room door swung open as he was talking about his not-so-interesting background.

As the boy walked in, everyone.....and by everyone, I mean the athletes, began to call him and cheer. The girls who sat near the door were gasping and giggling. Who was this boy? Jonathan. All-around American boy Brunet, a fit-bodied basketball player, and not just a player of sports but ladies as well.

He came here around last year. No one knows where he is from or if he even has a family. Though....he always seemed familiar. His skin was perfect, and his lips formed an ideal smile. I could see why people thought he was attractive, but that didn't affect me. He just wasn't my type...

As he got to the front of the class with his tardy slip, the teacher interjected...

" As we discuss my dislikes, I must inform you that I...." Mr. Martinez snatched the tardy slip from Jonathan's hands. Once he snatched it, I couldn't help but giggle. This made Jonathan turn towards me. To say that we had sat there staring for a second was DEFINITELY an understatement. It seemed like forever, but it ended when Martinez snapped fingers at Jonathan.

"...don't like when students are late, have a seat," he finished, pointing to the empty desk beside me.

"Yes, sir," Johnathan said with a smirk.

He sat in the seat next to me and leaned in it like it was a couch.

"Now, I want you all to turn to your desks and read with your partner. Read till chapter two and be ready to give an analysis in front of the class", Everyone groaned at the assignment. Why do that when we could read it alone or look up spark notes in the chapter?

I turned my desk to Jonathan, and he did the same.

"Okay, so how about YOU read, and I just sit here and play 8-ball, okay?" Johnathan started.

"Um...how about NO. If I read by myself, then you better present...." I responded, finding some balls from out of nowhere. Jonathan sat straight, looking me in the eye, and AGAIN he started STARING.

"Fine...." he finally said, "...how about we read together, deal?" he didn't break eye contact.

"Whatever..." I said, rolling my eyes

"Sassy...I like it," he said, biting his lip.

"Oh please....just....ill start, and please stop with the jokes," I said, more than irritated. I could tell Johnathan could see my discomfort, and his expression changed.

I began reading the first paragraph; towards the middle of the reading, I looked up to see if he was paying attention, and to my surprise. He was...

He noticed that I stopped and looked at me.


"Nothing, I just thought you would have given up by now...." I said

"Ouch!..." he grabbed his left pectoral acting hurt by hissing and scrunching his face. I rolled my eyes, trying my hardest not to smile. Though, I was finding it incredibly difficult.

"....you really shouldn't judge me before you even get to know me", he said with a smirk.

"Trust me, I know your type...." I said, putting the book back up. His face held confusion but interest.

"...and what exactly is my..." he was interrupted before he could finish.

"You should be focused on the text, not socializing..." Martinez hushed, putting two fingers to his eyes and back matching Jonathan's.

Jonathan turned to me with his mouth agape and full of surprise. I couldn't help but try to stifle my laugh, and he stuck out his tongue at me as I laughed. He was funny, but I knew in the back of my head that we could never be friends. We were from totally different social classes, and people would frown upon him for being seen with me.

I began to read out loud again, finishing the first page. I looked at Jonathan, signaling him to read because it was his turn. Then he started reading...

"Once upon a time..." he started

I quickly looked up, confused.

"I'm sorry...what's your name?" he paused, asking.

" Sky...." He smiled at me with those pearly whites of his and repeated my name. "Sky." He said with lust in his voice, sending shivers down my spine.

"Once upon a time, a boy named Sky met a handsome prince named Johnny...." he started.

"Wow, really??" I said unimpressed

"I know, right? Sounds good so far, and not at all related to us..", he said, continuing with a big smirk.

" Sky was very judgmental, and Johnny could see that. So he invited Sky to activities to get to know each other better. THE END." He finished

"So..." I said, REALLY confused.

"SO, how about you come to my tryouts on Friday" he got to the point. Though I was curious to know why he would invite me. Why does he want me to come to watch him play basketball?

"I don't know, that isn't really my scene..." I said apologetically

"Oh, COME ON..." He spoke barely above a grunt "...are you gonna make me beg?"

I ignored that he was even talking and started reading the page he didn't read correctly.

I looked up, and his book had a post-it note that read 'Please!', and his face was in the form of a puppy dog. Ignoring that, I continued to read. Being tempted to look, my eyes jetted up to see three more notes attached to the back of his book, and all read please in different fonts. He winked when we made eye contact.

I couldn't help but blush and look down at his sense of humor, and for some reason, I didn't feel like his flirting was teasing, BUT ACTUALLY FLIRTING! I finished the paragraph and looked back up a bit slower, ready to regret what came next...

I couldn't help but giggle at the dance his eyebrows were doing as he held up a big notebook, covering the bottom half of his face with the words 'Please' on it. His eyebrows were doing the wave, and now I couldn't say no...

"Fine....ill think about it," I answered. Johnathan dropped the book and smiled.

"YES!" he said, putting his fist into the air and pulling it down fast.


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