My heart....

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I ran inside, locked the door, and fell back against it. What was going on? I had only known him for a week. He claims that he is straight yet wants to be 'close to me.'

Things don't add up, especially since we met this week. No one had ever seen his family or knew where this guy lived. He just appeared out of thin air. Why did he care so much? Why was he in a rush?

All these questions were clouding my thoughts, and with my parents gone for the weekend, I decided to invite the only person I could trust... Ashleigh.


The doorbell sounded. I ran to open it, and on the other side was Ashleigh holding a tub of ice cream.

"Hey, bitch!" she said with a joyful smile.

Ashleigh put in the DVD, then jumped and bounced onto the couch right next to me.

"So you HAVE to give me more detail.....did he really look like he was crying?"

"Oh my gosh...YES!" I said, putting cookie dough ice cream onto my spoon and shoving it in my mouth. I continued...

"He honestly looked so heartbroken, like we...." I paused and looked at my reflection in the spoon before saying my ridiculous thought.

"Like you....what?" she responded in an antsy tone.

"I don't'll sound crazy.." I said, getting up from my couch and walking into the kitchen.

"Just tell me...don't cliff-hangar me!" she followed, sitting on a bench and leaning on the island.

"Like we....had been in a relationship before..."

"You're right....that IS crazy..." she picked up the carton and examined the ingredients. "What's in this shit?" she finished laughing at me.

"I'm serious!" I said, laughing along. " I mean, you're into that weird mystical shit.....give me an explanation as to what is going on..."

"Listen, just because a guy is acting weird. That does NOT mean that there are mystical forces at work! Just give him time..." Ashleigh finished. "Plus, he might just be a vampire..." she said, laughing again.

I snatched the ice cream carton from her...

"OKAY, you definitely put some weed in here!" I said, throwing the empty carton at her, angry that she didn't save any. She raised her hands to block and laughed with me.

Jonathan's POV

When I came in through the front door, I slammed it. That's when Logan came in from the kitchen.

"Hey! Don't slam the door! Go have a mood swing upstairs!" he said

"Go fuck yourself. I told you I wasn't ready to talk to him yet...."

"Who gives a damn about how you know what's going to happen in a week!" Roger reminded me, and he always thought he was right about everything.

"Go to hell. I just need more time...."

"TIME! You have had a year to be in his life, and you spent it being a stalker. Just face it! He will never want to be friends....." Logan got silent, "...look, I'm sorry, but you know that time is not in your favor...right now, what he needs is a friend, and that's you."

"But you know how Dad is about gay people....I'll get kicked out!" I said, "It doesn't matter what anyone feels, but you okay?", Logan said, being the best big brother. He knew about Sky, but I told him I just wanted to be friends...he doesn't know about the thoughts I've been having...

Jonathan felt a pang of guilt. He spent so much time stalling that he ran out of time ALL OVER AGAIN. See, this wasn't the first time they ever met.


"Okay, class, time for recess."

The class cheered and ran outside to get to the jungle gym. Johnathan couldn't wait to get on his favorite swing, but to his surprise, someone was in his seat. A kid with perfect looks, he walked over and couldn't help but stare into his eyes.

"Excuse me, this is my favorite swing. Can I use it, please?" Jonathan asked nicely, like an excellent third grader.

"I know, Johnny, right? I was saving it for you because I know how much you like the swing.". With that, Sky was off the seat and kissed Johnny. From then on.....Johnathan, whether he liked it or not, was in love.

~End Flashback~


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