I stole his first.

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Sky took a step back and sat on the bed, and Alec himself had already left out of the room. Johnathan took a step forward not knowing what to do....he hadn't meant it.

"So thats what I am now?" Sky started looking down, finding the floor more interesting.

"Sky....I never meant to...."

"Why don't you do yourself a favor, and never talk to me again!"

He took his clothes, put them on, and stomped away leaving Johnathan to willow in his own guilt.

Johnathan POV

I couldn't believe I had said that to him, I have never ever felt that way about him, and I needed to show him that. His 'straight' friend shouldn't care if he wants to date other guys....not OTHER guys, but guys.

Id been lieing to myself if I said that the current hard on I have, isn't because of him or the fact that for a second....I was imagining myself in Alecs place. To be able to feel, smell, and taste Sky like no one else had before. I bet he tasted like....no..NO...NO!

We can only be friends and thats it!

Though, friends with an additional something wouldn't be too bad.....UGH! Do you hear yourself, you are obsessed, like a damn puppy. Maybe a goodnight rest will do.....


That dreaded school bell....it was time for class, the one that me and Sky shared together. We hadn't talked all weekend which seamed like forever.

Of course, I tried to apologize, but he was 'never home' when I came by. Then I left a couple messages on his phone....and by a couple, I mean thousands to the point his inbox was full. Some of them where angry, sad, and happy, but mostly me sobbing like a five year old for him to see me.

I peeked into the door way to see if he was there, and he was. I couldn't help but smile at the way he fiddled with that pencil. I approached the desk and sat down.

He continued to fidget with the pencil...not once looking up at me. I just wanted to grab him and get some place private.
I didn't know I was staring until he turned to me with anger in his eyes...

"Why don't you take a fucking picture? It'll last longer!", I couldn't help the hurt I felt. Each word had venom laced within it.
"Sky, I didn't....."

"ALL RIGHT CLASS! TIME TO GET STARTED WITH TODAYS LESSON!", Martinez screamed walking in. Ughhh!!!!

After being interrupted, I wasn't given any chance to talk to him. I passed a note to him but he crumbled it as soon as it was in reach.

....I really messed up.


He had blown me up all weekend, of course I read every message and listened to every voicemail. I had forgiven him a while ago but what I'm angry about is ....us.
Why can't he figure out what he wants?
Does he want me or is he "straight"?

All this was running through my head and his staring wasn't helping.
Finally, I reached my breaking point...the next attempt to talk to me I would listen.


Little did Sky know that the next attempt was already in motion.
Johnathan stomped his foot on Skys...
"Ow...what the hell?", Sky whispered

"Sorry...I didn't mean to..",Johnathan whispered while raising his hand.
"...sorry to interrupt but may I go to the nurse?"
Martinez nodded and Jonathan was out of his seat fast. While getting up he made sure to give a final stomp on Skys foot.

Sky had got the hint....but how would he leave without being suspicious... minutes had passed and he still had nothing.

Johnathan POV

I exited the class and started walking, then it hit me.

How was he going to get out of class?!

just then a random student came in with a notepad.

"Is there a Sky Williams in this class?" , Martinez nodded and pointed at Sky ."You're needed in the principles office!"

Getting up and grabbing his belongings, he exited the class.
On his way to the office , Sky was suddenly pulled into a supply closet.


I felt a tug on my arm, as I was pulled into the room. Then , a light switch was hit and there he was... Johnathan.

"You're here...", Johnathan said out of breath.

"Well, yeah you kind of pulled me in here." , I fired back not knowing what to expect from him. He seemed really unstable, and his breathing was uneasy. After a moment of silence he started....

"Look... I'm so sorry, I never meant what I said. Seeing you with him just made me mad, and it shouldn't have..."

" So you admit that you were jealous...", I interrupted. He sat there wide eyed. I could tell that he was fighting the urge to say something.

"Sky. I have to say this before the week is up... I'm....I'm in lo-"

"What is going on in here?!", the janitor screamed bursting into the room.


The interruption left the the two in a daze, no one could come up with a lie quick enough.

"Ohhh, I see..." , the janitor started with a smirk. "...just don't leave a mess in here." He finished with a wink. He then grabbed his broom and locked the door from the outside.

After a moment of silence, Sky broke out into laughter.

" I wonder how many people sneak in here to get caught by him" , but his laughing was cut short when he noticed Johnathan wasn't laughing.

In fact, his face was focused and confused.

He began walking toward Sky...

Johnathan POV

Just look at the way he laughed, the way his skin glows....
I couldn't help but get close with the overwhelming need to touch and feel him. I shouldn't be doing this...

I could tell he was backing away ,but the wall stopped him in his tracks with a thud.

Our faces only inches away, I took a leap of faith and went in for the kiss. When our lips touched electricity flowed through my veins and I became numb.

Sky immediately kissed back and moaned when I bit his bottom lip. We fought for dominance with our tongues, but of course we all know who won.

After he submissively let me take control, I grabbed his thighs and lifted them around me.

We were now as close as we could get.

I grunted when I felt his palms push on my shoulders. Reluctantly, I let go and put him down so we could catch our breath.

" What is wrong with you?!" Sky screamed.
He turned and exited out the room, while I followed on his heels.
"I'm sorry! I thought you felt the same...." I said grabbing his wrist so he couldn't walk further.

" Don't you get it!? It's not about how I feel, it's about....", I saw someone coming so I let go and distanced myself.
"....it's about that.", Sky finished raising the wrist I was once holding for dear life.

"What are you talking about?" , I started.

"You can't come to terms with what you want...", Sky finished walking away from me, for the final time.

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