Dear Mom

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Dear Mother,
"Dear mother" those words ring over and over again in my head.
Questioning, always questioning.
What do I say? What do I say!
What do I say to you?
My words are lost again.
I don't know how to tell you,
Not now, not ever.
My hope is gone,
You've beaten it out of me with your words.
Your damn hateful words killed your son- I'm sorry, I mean "daughter".

Dear Mother...
Again the voices scream.
Don't. Don't. Don't!
I won't.
I won't give in this time, I swear it.
I'll stay strong for you.
I'll keep hiding to save you.
Even though it's killing me.

Dear Mother,
"I'm tired," I lie.
But so do you.
I'm tired means I'm scared.
Scared to tell you what's actually happening.
The truth, my reality.
But the truth is I am tired.
Tired of hiding myself to make you happy.
I'm tired of lying to you.
I want to tell you,
But I can't.
You won't let me.

Dear Mother,
I have had enough.
I am who I am.
I refuse to hide it because of your ignorance.
I love you mom, I do.
But this isn't you.
I'm not going to lie anymore Mom, I'm not.
I want to be me.
Do you still not see?

Dear Mom,
I never was your beautiful, baby girl.
I never will wear a long, white dress to walk down the isle.
I never wanted to hurt you Momma.
But this just isn't me.
I want to grow up to be big and strong.
You tell me it's wrong.
I'm sorry Mom.
I know I'm not perfect,
But I am your son.

Sincerely signed,
Your little boy,
Skyler M.

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