Chap. 1 - What're you in for?

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"Hello everyone! My name is Mr. Oakley, and I will be assisting you for as long as you are here!" I mumbled to a girl next to me, "I'd like him to assist me, if you catch my drift, yeah?" She giggled and said, "Tyler is gay. Surprised you haven't caught on yet." I blushed and sat forward in my seat, all the while grumbling, "I'd still like him to assist me."  The blonde just laughed and shook her head. "Today, we will introducing ourselves. Over the few weeks, some of you may leave, and there may be new people. Therefore, you all will introduce yourselves each week and or meeting." I took a good look around to see who I might have a chance of being friends with. There was the blonde whom I first talked to, a guy who had a lot of tattoos, some girl with a lot of makeup, and a few others who I really didn't feel like talking to. So I guess I might as well ask the blonde what her name was. "Hey, I'm Zelda, yours?" She looked at me, and pointed at herself, as if asking if I was talking to her. I nodded. "Perrie" Cute name. "Well, nice to meet you, PerrieSo, what're you in for?" She smirked and said, "You'll find out." I sighed and yet again sat forward in my seat. I closed my eyes and let my brain relax.  As I was about to fall asleep, someone called my name. Whilst still having my eyes closed, I responded, "Yes?" I realized Mr. Oakley had called my name. I felt a blush fall across my cheeks and I opened my eyes to see that he was standing, like, four inches away from my face. He may have been gay, but damn did I wanna kiss them lips. Tyler then cheerily said, "Why don't you tell us about yourself?" I beamed wide. "Of course I will, for you." I mumbled the last part. "I call myself Zelda Avaleen and as for you, well, that's your own choice. I like to read and lay in bed all day. The second part usually makes me late for school, but who the hell cares? I feel as though the world isn't equal enough for society, and that really does bother me. I hope you like me though." I added one of my award-winning smiles at the end to make it seem as though I was a happy, cheery girl who didn't hate the world a least bit and also had a very sweet and supportive family who wouldn't ever dare send her to a therapy session because they thought that it was a much needed thing. But they did. I assumed that was good enough so I didn't pay attention to what Mr. Oakley said.  But I probably should have because the next thing I knew everyone was staring at me as if expecting an answer. And they were. "Could you repeat that, please?" He had a small smile in place of his thin mouth. "You're right. I could repeat that. But why, when you could have been listening." I blushed again. Perrie coughed into her hand, all the while trying not to laugh. I threw her a glance and she stopped, but was still smirking. "Exactly. Now, may you please state why you have joined us today?" I cleared my throat and started. "Well, uhm.. I kind of almost maybe tried to commit suicide, and also threaten to burn down my school. I am now put on meds because I apparently became a hermit and started staying in my room, avoiding life and only coming out to get something to eat or drink. I guess you could say I started hating the world while I blogged about stupid, hipster-y shit and weird text post's on Tumblr." I seen Tyler perk up at the word use of 'Tumblr" "Oh really now?" I nodded but it didn't seem clear enough. "Yes. Obviously." He smiled. "Oh Zelda. If only you knew how much your parents cared about you. I really wish you did." I rolled my eyes. If he kept up like this, I may start to despise him. I shook my head. "You wouldn't understand why I don't know, or care." Tyler had a displeased look on his face and his lips were pressed into a thin line. I guess that it doesn't matter whether you're good looking or ass-cheek ugly, grown-ups never understand. I sighed and slumped back into my seat waiting for this hell to end.


Thank you for reading and I'm sorry for not posting. :( But I'm back and Im also writing a new story. First chaper for it may be up tomorrow or later tonight.


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