Learning New Things

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Okay another bit of awkward writing, sorry. Ended the scene as fast as possible because I really just suck at writing anything beyond everyday life. There's no more intense awkward scenes, I promise!


Our dinner is very nice, and quite expensive, but it's a special occasion, well it was when I originally planned it. We order some chocolate cake for desert and as we wait for it to arrive I can just see Dan getting anxious to leave. I grab his hand and give it a small, reassuring squeeze.

"Honey, you need to calm down. Just a few more minutes and then we can head out."

"I know. But you just look so great and this guy over on your left is starting to piss me off!" I look over my left shoulder to see who he is talking about. "Don't look! that will only encourage him!"

I turn back to Dan, "Dan! Calm down. Am I here with that guy? No. We'll finish up our desert and then we'll head back to the room and you can find out what is underneath my dress." I say, whispering the last part so that only he can hear me. Didn't peg Dan as the jealous type. You learn something new everyday.

I kiss the back of his hand and continue to rub circles on the back as we wait for our desert. Our cake arrives and we devour it in no time. On the ride back to the hotel we discuss how heavenly the cake was and Dan whispers that I look and smell as heavenly as the cake, causing me to blush like a fool in front of the cabby. He grabs my hand as soon as the taxi stops in front of the hotel, and throws a couple of bills at the driver, surely more than enough for our trip. In his excitement, Dan is practically dragging me behind him to get into the room.

I'm sure that if there hadn't been other people in the elevator I'd have been ravished against the wall. I can feel the tension and excitement radiating off of Dan's body. His foot is bouncing impatiently and his hand is clutching to my waist. As soon as the doors open to our floor, Dan is, again, dragging me behind him in his haste to get us into the privacy of our room. He reaches into his pockets to retrieve the door key and fumbles with getting it in the door and unlocked. After a few seconds, and some cursing, I take the key from his hands and calmly open the door for him.

I remove the key from the open door and walk into our room where I am promptly pulled into a voracious kiss. Dan clutches to me as if I might disappear at any moment. We part for air a couple minutes later and Dan immediately attacks my neck and the zipper to my dress. In his desperation he is getting nowhere. I extricate myself from his grasp in order to help him with our clothes. I gently remove and fold his jacket and then work on undoing the buttons on his shirt. His shirt is quickly removed and I turn around, facing away from him and pull my hair to the side, allowing him proper access to the zipper on the back of my dress. He slowly slides the zipper down my back and then I drop my arms, allowing my dress to pool on the ground at my feet. I turn to face him, gauging his reaction to my choice of undergarments.

"You...haven't been wearing....anything.....underneath...this whole time? But, but before you went in the bathroom to do your hair..." he stutters out.

"Took them off before I came back out; thought it might be a nice surprise for you."

He nods furiously, "Surprise, yes. Definitely a good surprise. But now we need to get you out of that bra."

He reaches towards me and I take a step back, "Nuh uh. Not until you lose something first." I point at his pants and he hastily removes his shoes, socks, and trousers before pulling me to him again. His mouth attaches itself to my neck as his hands remove my last article of clothing. I am pulled down onto the bed as Dan rolls over on top of me. I can feel the weight of all of him hovering over me when I pull his head back to mine.

The next morning, well, not morning, more like mid-afternoon, Dan and I wake to bright sunlight. I press a kiss to the base of his throat before sitting up and stretching. Man do I feel rough this morning. Maybe a hot bath will help me loosen up after last night. We ended up staying up pretty late last night with our, uh, shenanigans. I rise off the bed and gently pad into the bathroom where I start to run a bath. I feel warm arms around my waist and soft lips on my shoulder as I wait for the tub to fill. We stand there together, both exhausted and both (or maybe just me) a little sore.

With the bath full, we both get in and sit on opposite ends of the tub. He picks up my foot and tries to massage it, but only receives a splash of water in his face as I try to retract my foot quickly.

"What was that for?!" he asks, incredulously.

"Sorry! It's a reflex. My feet are kind of sensitive." I try to hide the blush and pull my feet back towards me, hoping that he doesn't pick up on just how sensitive my feet are.

"Oooh! You mean your feet are a little ticklish, huh?"

"Psh! No! My feet are most certainly not ticklish! What would make you say that?" I pull my legs in closer to me, now trying to hide my feet. Dan lunges for me, splashing water everywhere, and grabs one of my legs.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? It looks like a foot the needs some special treatment to me." He holds my leg and slowly brings his fingers closer to my foot. I struggle fiercely to get away, but he's just too strong.

"Please don't! Dan! Dan, please?! I can't be held responsible if I hurt you! Please?!" he refuses to release me and lowers his fingers to the sole of my foot and starts tickling me. I screech and struggle to get away, to no avail. A few minutes, and most of our bathwater, later he releases my foot and lets me breathe. "You, Daniel Smith, are a poor excuse of a boyfriend to capture your girlfriend and torture her mercilessly!"

"Torture you?! All I did was have a bit of fun. And, by the way, this torture you speak of certainly made you smile."

I give him a haughty look before, finally, giving in and smiling as I scoot over and give him a kiss on the cheek, "Okay. I accept your apology and we can be on good terms again."

"I'm not sure what you're hearing, but I'm not sure I made any apologies."

"Oh, you didn't, but you're going to. We're not leaving this room until I'm happy, and it just might make you happy, too." I step out of the tub onto the water splashed floor and grab a towel to wrap around myself, "Come on, Dan, you've got some making up to do." I sashay out of the room, dropping my towel at the door. He clambers out of the tub, almost tripping on his own feet, and follows me back out into the room. We don't end up leaving our room until we have to leave a day and a half later.

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