This is Your Heart

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This is it! The end of my story. I hope you enjoyed reading it. I certainly enjoyed writing it. It will probably be a coouple/few months before I get around to posting my next story because I only just started and I want to get a little head start on it before I publish anything. Thanks again for reading this. You guys are amazing and I appreciate everything. Enjoy the finale! :)


For the first time in over two years I feel like I'm exactly where I'm meant to be. I am working for a company that I love, and I have a position there that I only dreamed of. I live in a city that felt like home as soon as my feet touched the ground, and I have some of the best friends in the world, although I don't get to see them as much as I'd like. I also have the sweetest boyfriend in the world.

Dan and I waited a few weeks before we told everyone else that we were going to give it another go because we just wanted to have some time to ourselves to get to know the two new people in this relationship (because we are not the same people that we were when we broke up). We broke the news about our relationship at one of our dinner nights, which we had resumed shortly after I moved back to London. To say that anyone was shocked about it would be a lie, but they were certainly happy for us. Lizzy had explained the whole situation to her boyfriend, Sean, so he was all caught up with our drama before Dan and I changed everything. He's probably the only person that would have been remotely shocked that Dan and I were back together, but even he seemed to have predicted our reunion.

As soon as the words are out of my mouth Lizzy pulls me into a bone crushing hug, "I'm so happy for you, Hann. I knew this would happen as soon as I saw him standing on the curb the first day you came to see me."

I pull back in shock, "Really?! But I hadn't even decided that I wanted to consider how I'd move forward."

"Honey, that boy is so in love with you that a blind man could see it. The fact that he was willing to stick around and be your friend, even if he wanted more, just proves it. Now, don't let him go again, or you might not get him back."

"I don't plan on it, Lizzy. I don't think I'd survive myself, let alone him and the band. Did you know he almost broke it all off after I left?"

"I did. I helped talk him out of it." She says taking a drink and then looking over at the group of guys patting Dan on the back and congratulating him.

"You did that?! But why?" I ask, shocked at Lizzy's actions.

"Because it was all he had, and I knew that one day it would bring him back to you." She smiles. I knock shoulders with her and grab my own beer from the counter behind her.

"You're so full of shit, Lizzy! You didn't know he'd find me again, you just hoped."

"Maybe, but it all worked out in the end didn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah it did." I smile. We walk back towards the guys and Lizzy steps into Sean's arms and I find myself wrapped, once again, in Dan's.

"I'm so happy I can do this again." He says as he presses a kiss to the side of my head.

"Me, too." I smile up at him as he leans down and gives me a quick kiss on my lips.

"Ugh! GROSS! Can we keep the PDA to a minimum here? I know you're still newly together, but please spare us the images!" Kyle exclaims. I flip him off before grabbing the front of Dan's shirt and pulling him down for a good and proper snog, just for Kyle's benefit. He just huffs and walks away.

"I really miss doing that." I mutter as I pull away from Dan, who looks somewhat shocked, and thoroughly snogged.

"Yep. Yeah, that's good. Good, uh huh." He stumbles to get out and nodding his head. I just laugh at him.

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