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 "I looked up to the sky and saw on the roof of the hotel, two ice cold eyes looking straight into my soul....."

Simon P.O.V.

One month had passed since the night that I brought Camille back, and it had been the hardest month of my life. 

The moment Camille and I stepped foot in the Hotel, we were surrounded by vampires and captured. 

We were brought into the room where Camillie and I first met and there stood Raphael patiently waiting. 

He turned around and he looked furious, it was quiet for a moment and then he said with a sneer "How nice of Simon to bring Camillie back, don't you think". 

That was the moment where I thought how was I ever stupid enough to think that Raphael was just going to let me stay at the hotel in exchange for Camille. 

When I heard Raphael say "lock her up and leave us alone" I immidiatly snapped out of my thoughts. 

"Why did you come back to the hotel" Raphael asked demanding. 

I started faltering about how I didn't know how to survive as a vampire. 

The next moment Raphael grabbed me by my shoulders and said "Do you want to learn?", 

"Yes I do" I said with a small voice.

"Well in that case you need to listen very closely", Raphael said, "I do NOT like being betrayed, and what is it that you did Simon?" 

I gulped in fear "I betrayed you".

"But since you did bring Camille back, I could give you the benefit of the doubt" Raphael looked at me with a look that held both disgust as consideration. 

"If you would like to join the clan again, you can" Raphael decided after a short moment of thinking.

"Really? I asked happy, "Sure" Raphael said with his usual grin.

"But only on my conditions", "What kind of conditions?" I questioned unsure.

"First condition, you will pledge your unconditional loyalty". 

"Second condition, you will not leave the hotel".

"And my last condition, you will not have any contact with your shadowhunter friends until I say you can". 

I looked at the older vampire in shock "Why not?",

"Because if you want to stay here and learn I need to know where your loyalties lay".

Raphael watched my horrified expression and asked 

"So, what will it be? Your lovely shadowhunters which will turn on you the moment they don't need you anymore or your true family?"

"Raphael, I don't know what to choose, I've just managed to make the girl, who I have loved my entire life, mine I can't give her up. But on the other hand I need to learn and I know that I won't survive alone. 

I don't know what to do....."

Raphael looked at me unconvinced and said "Well I guess the question is what is your priority?"

I looked at Raphael and said "This is the hardest choice of my life but Clary will understand".

"I knew you would make the right choice". Raphael said while patting my shoulder.

One month later

I was exhausted, I just finished my training from that day and I had no energy left. 

"I told you that the training would make you better" Raphael said making three bloody Mary's and giving one to me, one to Gregor and keeping one for himself.

"Last month you would not been able to fight Gregor" Raphael said with a hint of pride in his voice. 

"That's definitely true, but on the other hand last month I would not have such aching muscles" I said laughing and being pretty happy with my progress I had made the last couple of weeks.

"Well it was fun tonight Simon but I'm gonna call it a day, I need to get ready, I have a date" Gregor said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Have fun big guy" I said while watching the strong fist-fighter leave the room.

When I looked back from the door I saw that Raphael was studying me closely.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked joking 

"Do you miss it?", Raphael asked "Miss what?", I asked confused. 

"Do you miss going outside? Seeing your friends? Seeing Clary?" Raphael asked very genuine.

"My friends no not really, I didn't have that many friends, I had Maureen and Luke".

"But Clary.... there is not a single minute I do not think about her. Everything reminds me of her, the way some vampires dress or the way some make their jokes. I constantly think about whether she would have liked it here or not. Every day when everybody is asleep I stay awake and think about what she's doing today. I kills me that I'm not able to speak to her and not seeing her is the hardest thing of all.

So, to answer you question, yes I do miss her". 

"Would you like to go and see her?" Raphael offered "Are you for real?" I asked not beliving what Raphael was offering.

"Yes I am for real Simon", Raphael said smiling at me, 

"But be home before sunrise otherwise you wasted a month of hard work" Raphael warned me.

"I'll be back", I mumbled, "Before sunrise, thank you Raphael, thank you" I said while running out the room.

And so I ran as fast as I could through New York and to the Institute.


Hello there Mundanes, Shadowhunters and Downworlders,

I hope you liked this chapter, I'm sorry for not updating earlier I had a massive writersblock but I'm pretty proud of this chapter.

Let me know in the comments what you guys think about it! 

Do you like a more mean/sassy Raphael or do you like Raphael more if you is a bit sweeter like in the end of this chapter? 

If you liked this chapter:





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Vampire Queen  Raphael SantiagoWhere stories live. Discover now