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Both of you got in the car and Jimin drove off

"So what do you want to get from the mall" Jimin asked you

"I dunno just some casual clothes cause hmm..." "Oh right yeah" "Yeah" Awkward silence "How are you enjoying Korea so far?"

"Haven't been many places but it's good for what I've seen" "You missed me the most right?" "I missed you and Taehyung and everyone"


You looked at Jimin and could see all the jealousy in his eyes

"I missed you more though" "You and Taehyung seem to have a strong bond" "Nothing's really changed" "Taehyung seems a bit too clingy"


"We are here"  Jimin interrupted your sentence before you could finish.

You looked out the window and saw a huge shopping centre "Woah it's so big" "I know right" "Thank you for dropping me, I'll go now"

You was about to open the door



You turned to him "I'm gonna pick you up when I'm done,call me okay?" "Yeah I will" "Here" He gave you a card "What's this?" "In case you finish early come to my office" "Okay"

You was about to get off but Jimin pulled you back by your arm "And" "Yeah?" "Here's my card and my pin is (Pin number)"

"It's fine I have money" "I have money too, a lot, just consider this as your late late late birthday present" You chucked  "Thanks" "Anything for you" He kissed you on the forehead "I'll get going now"

You got out of the car "Bye babe" You smiled and closed the door

Once you was satisfied he was gone you walked to the bus stop

'I need to think..I need to...*sigh* I'm confused I don't know'

You went to where you and Jimin go to relieve stress except Jimin wasn't here only you

[A/n You went to where Jimin took you when you first came]

'I love looking over the city especially with Jimin...he said he would give me the whole world but where is that now?'

You sat at the edge of cliff not focusing on anything but your thoughts 'Jimin said he would wait..where did all this words go to...he promised'

*Flash back 1*
"Jimin can I talk to you" "Yeah" "Well I have been meaning to tell you this but I like you" "I like you too" "No Jimin I mean like you like you" "Y/n I don't like you" You put your head down "I love you" He corrected himself you looked up with tears in your eyes "Y/n...you going to America, doesn't stop anything I'll continue to love you till the day I die" Jimin wiped your tears with his thumbs and pecked you on the lips "Always wanted to do that" He hugged you "I'll wait for you, your my whole world Y/n you don't even understand" "Really?" "Really I don't lie" "I love you too Jimin" "I'll always love you"
*Flash back 1 end*

Your POV~
Whatever happened to giving me the whole world? Jimin you said you'd love me till you die, did I just misunderstand you or what?

*Flash back to the day you left for America*
"Say hello to your parents for me" "I will" "Y/n?" "Yeah-" You looked up and Jimin kissed you slowly as if you were a feather "I don't want you to go" He broke the kiss and put your foreheads together "We will continue when you come back princess" He continued "Yes Jiminie" He pecked you one last time "Call me everyday.. I will be waiting for you" He hugged you tighter "I can't believe you'll be gone for a whole year" You both chuckled "Jimin I need to go now"
*End of flashback*

'I can still remember that day you Called me and told me that you was getting married you kept sayin sorry and when I get back you'll tell me the reason...Jimin I want to know I just...I'm too afraid to ask you'

*Flash back*
"Jimin?" "Y/n I'm so so so sorry" "What?" "I didn't want for this to happen it was only you" "Jimin stop scaring me" "Y/n I'm getting marr-"
*end of flashback*

My flash back and thoughts were cut short as someone pulled me up and away from the edge of the cliff and hugged me tight

"What the-" "Are you fucking crazy do you want to die?"


"Fuck Y/n, you had me worried sick"

"I'm sorry"

"Y/n I looked everywhere for you" "..." "Where's your phone?" I got it out of my bag "Here, oh wow 100 miss calls" "I called you so many times Y/n what would happen if something happened to you" "I'm sorry-"

Jimin kissed you slowly

"No I'm sorry I always fuck up but please don't try and kill yourself" "I wasn't"

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