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Taehyung' POV~
I quickly ran after Y/n but I saw she fainted so I picked her up and went straight back in to put her to bed "Appa what's wrong with unnie" "Nothing just go and play" I sent everyone home when Jimin and Y/n were having their little argument so now it's just us three left but I lost her again Kim "Urgh!" I accidentally dropped Y/n hard on my bed "Sorry" I know she can't hear me but I felt bad.
I quickly went down stairs to get some water and paracetamol and and woke Y/n up "Huh?" "Y/n wake up" "Wha-what happened?" "You fainted" "I did?" "Yeah" "Where is everyone?" "They left" "Why?" "Do you really not remember"
Your POV~
I thought about what Taehyung was talking about and then all my memories came back in "Oh yeah" Taehyung came next to me and put his hands on my thighs "It's okay" "It can't be when you and Kim and Jimin and everyone" "Y/n stop stressing or you'll faint again" Suddenly I hugged Taehyung "What would I ever do without you" Tears that were unknown started to drop out of my eyes "Where would I be Tae, I lost everything" "You have me" Taehyung tightened the hug "You have me and Ruby"
*2 hours later*
You went to Taehyungs room when you finished resting and went to talk to him "Tae?" When you walked in you saw him and Ruby doing her homework "Tae" He looked up at you and smiled "Your up are you hungry?" "No I just wanted to talk to you" "Oh okay...Ruby go down and watch TV I'll come in a sec" "Should I take my work?" "no let's leave it here, go now" "Okay" Ruby walked out of the room and you went to sit where Ruby was sitting before "You okay (nickname)" "Erm well I decided that I should move out" "What why?!?" "Well I figured that I tend to mess things up especially when I'm with you" "So? I'm not complaining" "But I am sadly" "So well...I already found an apartment so can you help you like move?" "Your really going huh?" "Yeah I don't have a choice" "You don't have to-" "Tae I have made my decision" "Okay if that's the case, I'll help you" "Thanks Tae"
"Thanks for helping me move in" "You can still come back" "Stop Tae" "But who's gonna cook for me" "That's why you got Kim" "Oh yeah" "Promise me!" You held up your pinky "What?" "You'll make up with Kim" "It's take time-" "Promise!" "I'm joking" He said laughing it off but you could see he was still sad "You can come and visit me anytime you want" "I will don't worry" "Bring Ruby" "I will i will" "Thanks Tae"

You hugged him one last time "Hey let's have a house warming party" "Another get to together?" "Just the boy and you?" "That's cool but your paying for food" "Cool then it's sorted for today"

Before you could react Taehyung ran out and drove off

"Today? I just moved in *sigh* they'll probs come at 8 so I have an hour cool leggo"

*Door bell*

"I'm coming!" You wore a white oversized shirt that went up to your knees with some shorts under, whilst your hair was in a messy bun "Hey guys" You looked at all of them "Y/N!" They all screamed and hugged you "Woah calm down" "But why did you wear this" Taehyung said tugging at the end off your shirt "What else do you expect me to wear" "Things that covers you cause your mine" Taehyung said pulling it even further down "Yah! Can you stop!" "Just-" some one behind the boys fake coughed and you looked to who it was

"You bought Jimin yay" You mumbled to yourself "What did you say Y/n?" Namjoon said "Nothing let's go"

You pulled Hoseok's arm not realising who you grabbed and went into the living room and sat down on the couch with him next to you

"Guys I ordered some pizza" You pointed to the coffee table "And drinks are right there and I got some MOVIES!" You said a little excited "You okay Y/n??" Namjoon asked you "Yeah of course why would I be?!? Come sit"

You dragged Namjoon to sit next to you and he chuckled "I like this new Y/n" Jungkook chuckled whilst sitting down and eating his pizza "New? This is all me brudda" You got up and put in some random movie "I really like this new Y/n"

Taehyung said getting comfortable next to Jungkook and Jimin "What do you mean?" "You hate horror movies, yet you playing it" "Wait what?!?" You was about to get up but Namjoon wrapped his arm around you so you couldn't move

"Let's enjoy this baby girl" It was like a trigger once Namjoon called you baby girl Jimin got up "You okay bro?" "Yeah I just need some fresh air I'll be back in a sec" "Okay" Jimin left and then your heard a scream from the TV causing you to scream back

"Stoooooop! I don't like I don't like!" You whined like a baby "That's why we at here to keep you safe" Hoseok added

"Shut up your twice as scared as me" You snapped on him "Woah calm down there tiger" Jungkook said with a mouthful "For fuck sake" "Mind your language there missy" Taehyung said not even looking at you.

"Shut up!!!!" You screamed "Y/n just calm down this movie is not that bad it's just a thriller not horror"

Jin said trying to calm you down and the boys chuckled "They are just trying to get a reaction from you" Be said which made you relax a little "You can let go of me now"

You looks at Namjoon and he removed his arm "Soz" "Shup" You just sat down trying to make your self comfortable also making sure to cover a pillow over your eyes and you just sat there in silence

'I'm just gonna try get through this without crying...again😂'

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