Chapter 1

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Jesse played with the tip of her beer bottle as she focused on the two women playing pool some distance away. They were both painfully attractive, openly gay and they were staring back at her. She could tell they were talking about her from the way they stared at her in turns.

She smiled at them, boldly staring back and they both rewarded her with a couple of friendly smiles. She couldn’t help wondering what they were saying.

One of the women had long dark hair, held in a ponytail at the back and neatly hidden under a blue baseball cap. She had a gorgeous face and full lovely lips. Her grey eyes smouldered, burning a hole into Jesse until she felt like she was transparent and the brunette was looking right through her.

The other woman had shoulder length golden hair, beautiful blue eyes and an easy sexy smile. She was shorter than the first one, slim but just as equally attractive. Combined, the two women looked like they had just walked out of a playboy magazine. Jesse was seated across the bar watching them as they played pool.

The golden haired one hit the black ball and scored, ending and ultimately winning the game. Jesse lifted up her bottle and made a toast in the air in a gesture of congratulations and the lovely woman returned her gesture. She got to her feet, paid for her drink and walked out of the bar.

She had been there to meet Fred, her best friend, but he had called her last minute and cancelled. Jesse was sure he’d stood her up for a woman. She couldn’t blame him. He’d had a dry spell for a while and deserved to get laid. If some random tail he had been chasing had finally responded, then she was happy for him.

She’d had a dry spell of her own for months now, after she’d gotten out of a very short-lived relationship and had given herself a break from love and dating. Seeing attractive women everywhere she went was tempting, that was why she’d left right after the pool game had ended.

Under normal circumstances, she would have easily walked up to them and made conversation, not caring if they were there with girlfriends. She’d been around enough people though, to know when a woman was checking her out and when she was just being friendly.

Those two women, especially the gorgeous brunette, hadbeen checking her out. Usually she would have walked right up to them and flirtatiously introduced herself, making her interest obvious. But last time she’d done that, she’d ended up in an unpleasant, short-lived, unwanted relationship with a possessive, love-crazed woman.

“Excuse me,” a crisp female voice said, stopping her in her steps.

Jesse turned around to find the golden haired woman behind her. She leaned against her two-seat silver Audi and smiled.

“Hi, I’m Alex,” the golden haired woman said.

Jesse noticed she was a little nervous and introduced herself, “I’m Jesse.”

“Are you leaving?” Alex asked.

“Uh, yeah, I got stood up.”

“By a date?” Alex asked as though she was surprised.

Jesse laughed softly and shook her head, “No, by a friend. I saw you guys playing and wanted to see who would win, congratulations by the way.”

“Thanks. Actually, Billy, my friend, and I were wondering if you’d like to go to a party with us.”

“A party?”

“Yes, it’s just a few blocks from here.”

Jesse thought about it; two beautiful women and a party versus going home to a cold empty apartment. “I’d love to,” she said.

“Great!” Just as Alex said the words, the gorgeous brunette, who Alex had called Billy, joined them.

“Billy, this is Jesse. Jesse, Billy,” Alex introduced them.

Jesse stretched out her hand and shook Billy’s warm hand. She still had that intense gaze that made Jesse uneasy.

“It’s nice to meet you,” she said in a low sultry voice.

“The pleasure is all mine,” Jesse said, trying to keep her voice steady.

“Jesse says she’d love to join us,” Alex informed Billy.

“Oh, wonderful,” Billy said pleasantly.

“Would you like to ride with us or will you follow us there in your car?” Alex asked.

“I’ll follow you in my car,” she said, in case she got bored and wanted to leave early and unnoticed.

“Alright, I’ll go get the car. I’ll be right back,” Alex said and walked away.

Jesse looked at Billy. She could hardly see her eyes under the baseball cap she was wearing since it was pulled over her face, only revealing her nicely chiselled nose and mouth. She wondered if Billy was trying to hide something underneath that attractive face.

“Sorry you lost,” Jesse said.

“The game?” Billy asked, still using that low voice.


“Don’t worry about it, I let her win,” Billy said, then surprised Jesse with a smile.

So, she did have a sense of humour?

“Yeah, I could tell from how accurately she hit those five shots right past you,” Jesse said.

Billy’s smile widened and Jesse felt her heart flutter within her chest. It was a strange sensation that caught her a little off guard.

“So was it the kind of game where the winner gets dibs on the girl across the room?” she asked.

It was a silly question which was prompted by the conversation Billy and Alex had been having while playing.

“Kind of,” Billy said, surprising Jesse with her honesty.

“And you let Alex win?” Jesse asked, using the words Billy had earlier on employed.

Billy went speechless and Jesse saw Alex waving at her as she drove the car over to where they were standing.

“That’s too bad,” she said to Billy as she got in her car and turned on the engine.

She watched Billy walking over to Alex and waited until the car started driving away. She followed closely behind and wondered how Alex would flirt with her and then laughed at the idea.

Alex was cute, it was a single night of fun, Jesse would play along and try and have a good time while at it.



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