25; hot cross buns

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The car came to a screeching halt near Chestnut lake, dust flying as it did. Jennifer quickly got out of the car and Freya followed.

"Greg's here?" Freya asked, her heart pounding.

"This is what they showed me," Jennifer replied, looking at her surroundings.

"Okay," Freya said, pushing her hair back and trying to think straight.

"Where do we start?"

Jennifer looked around once more and sighed, pulling out a whistle from her pocket. She handed it Freya who looked back at her, questioningly.

"Where did you get that?" she asked.

"Never mind that. We're going to split up so we can cover more ground. If you find Greg, you have to blow that whistle, okay?"

"Okay," Freya drawled.

"I'll go west, okay? Keeping to the right. And you go left."

"Okay but how do I find you?"

"I'll find you. We meet back at the car if there are any problems."

"Okay," she replied, a little unsure.

Freya walked to the bridge, a strong breeze flew past her, blowing dust into her eyes. She rubbed them and winced as her uncombed hair flicked into her eyes, too.

"Greg!" she yelled.


She continued eastwards, shouting Greg's name, desperately. A part of her was scared of what she would find. It didn't make sense why Greg would be out in the middle of nowhere. She kept walking, her skin starting to feel itchy as time passed and the long overgrown grass scratched against her legs.

Unaware of how long she had been walking for and how many mosquitoes had bitten her, Freya heard something move. She froze, looking at the trees, waiting for something to come out. It didn't.

"Greg?" she called out and waited again.

She crept closer, her eyes wide with fear. She looked behind the tree and was partially relieved when there was nothing there.

Turning around, she bumped into someone and almost screamed.

"Woah, woah, calm down," the person said, holding up his hands in defense.

Freya looked up at him in alarm, holding her hand over her heart.

"I'm sorry I scared you there," Ace said.

"It's fine, I just didn't see you," Freya said, putting some distance between herself and the man.

Ace flashed a charming smile.

"I- I wasn't expecting anyone here..."

"I could say the same thing," Ace replied.

Freya narrowed her eyes at him, wondering if he was a werewolf. Or perhaps something else. Red flags were going off in her mind.

"I'm looking for my brother, have you seen him? He's uh, he's about this tall," she said, holding her hand in the air. "He's got dark hair."

"I'm sorry but you're the first person I've seen in weeks."

"Oh," Freya frowned.

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