3; run

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Freya pushed the trolley with her remaining strength which wasn't much. Looking down at the food, she debated leaving them behind as her legs struggled to keep up.

"How far?" Greg asked, walking slightly in front of her.

"Not too far now," she replied.

"The smoke is thicker, I can't see the trees anymore," Greg mumbled.

"Okay, do you have your belt on?" she said as she stopped the trolley.

"Yeah, why?"

"Give it to me, I'm going to tie the food down so it doesn't fall. We're going to run now," Frey said, stopping the trolley.

"Okay," Greg said, taking off his belt and handing it over to Freya.

"Okay, now we're going to run as far as we can til we're outta breath. I can see the roof from here so it's not too far."

Greg nodded and they began their sprint. Running faster, Freya found it was difficult to push the trolley across the stones and dirt and lagged behind her brother.

Greg turned his head, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, just get to the house, I'm right behind you!"

Greg did as he was told and ran towards the house much faster than Freya.

The smoke was approaching quicker than Freya had anticipated. She felt eyes on her with every step she took. The sound of rustling leaves made her hair stand on end. Her eyes were watery, slightly sore from the strange smoke that loomed just behind her.

She could see the clearing and the house finally came into view.

Almost in slow motion, she thought she saw a figure move from the corner of her eye. It was intuition telling her that they were there. She was now in the midst of the smoke and with whatever lurked the darkness now.

Impossible, she thought. The smoke had appeared in daylight hours which both baffled and terrified her.

Greg was in the doorway, his hands eagerly waving in the air as she slowed down. Someone was behind her and she knew it.

Turning her head, she saw a formation of creatures walking her way. They were so much more unnerving to look at from close. Their mouths were open wide like they had no mandibles, groaning loudly as they moved. And their limbs were coiled around the joints, almost hindering their ability to walk yet they managed to run faster than humans.

"Hurry!" she finally heard Greg yell.

Pushing the trolley with all her power, she charged for the house, knowing the creatures behind her were running, too.

They were groaning and mumbling, their voices getting louder and louder until finally she shoved the trolley inside and lunged forward but it was too late.

She felt her wrist burn and screamed in pain as it pulled her. Greg pulled Freya hard enough to escape the creature's grasp and then slammed the door, locking it.

Freya fell to the floor with a thud, her body writhing in pain as she held her wrist. Greg ran to get a glass of water and then poured it over her wrist.

"Ahhh!" Freya screamed in pain.

"What do I do? What do I do?" Greg asked, struggling not to let his tears fall.

Freya's screams died down several long minutes after and she lay on the floor, hugging her wrist. Greg watched in horror, feeling helpless as his sister struggled to tell him anything.

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