10; bite

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Familiar faces emerged from behind the trees and Freya felt her heart sink for the second time that day.

 "Get away," Freya hissed, defensively.

She pulled out her pocket knife and took off her hoodie, cutting the sleeve off her shirt. Wrapping it firmly around Greg's wound, she tied it while keeping an eye on the men around her.

"Greg," Freya whispered, pushing his hair out of his face.

Freya attempted to pick him up but failed. It was then that she heard the leaves crunch under someone's foot that she turned around with the knife in her hand.

"I said get away!" she shrieked. 

It was one of the wolves but she didn't know his name. He approached her with his hands up in defense.

When he didn't stop moving closer, Freya pulled out the gun from her jeans and pointed it at him. "I will shoot you."

The man looked to his side where Tristan and another man approached.

"What the hell is going on here?" Tristan asked, looking between Freya and the others.

"My brother's been shot, let us leave."

Tristan glanced at Greg before looking back at Freya. "He's alive."

Freya waved her gun, "Leave or I shoot."

Tristan took a step forward to which Freya turned her gun at him.

"You'll never get back to your house in time. Especially not when he's been shot," Tristan said. "You won't be able to carry him that fast."

"Just leave us alone, this happened because of all of you."

Tristan ignored her accusation, "You won't. His heart beat is slowing down."

"Shut up!" Freya yelled, trying to hold back the tears.

Tristan glanced at the other wolves before continuing forward. Freya's instincts kicked in and she shot Tristan in the shoulder.

"Fuck, I'm trying to help you!" he yelled, holding his shoulder.

"I told you to leave us alone. I'm not stupid, I saw you kill those men in the bar. You're killers and you're trying to kill us, too."

Suddenly, the gun was grabbed from Freya and she found herself being restrained by the bald man who'd found her initially.

"Let us go!"

She watched Tristan, despite his shoulder bleeding from the shot, walk to Greg. He put his hand on his chest and felt his heart beat slowly diminish.

Freya continued to cry, afraid that he'd kill her brother in front of her.

"Please let us leave. Let my brother go. Please!"

Tristan sighed and looked up at Freya and clenched his jaw. "Do you really want your brother to live?"

Freya nodded, "Yes, yes, please. Kill me instead and let him live. I'm begging you."

Tristan glanced at his friends who knew far too well that their Alpha was thinking about making the biggest mistake he could at that moment. He was going to go against his code and against the interests of the pack for a human, for the sake of his mate.

Freya watched in what seemed slow motion, Tristan move Greg's head to the side and pull his shirt down, slightly, exposing the top part of his chest.

And then he bit down on his flesh with a growl escaping.

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