My silence is a 'yes'

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A.N: Sorry for the late updates..

You are laying across the couch with your head leaning on a pillow against the arm rest, watching a movie which was really boring and you don't really catch the whole plot, but there wasn't anything more interesting on the TV but this auful kind of comedy.

You feel your eyes slowly closing but before you let yourself fall completely asleep, you felt a pair of hands grab your legs making you jump a bit and lift them up.

You looked at their direction and you realized it was Kai. You saw him sitting on the couch beside you and placing both of your legs on top of his.

You watch him as he does this and gave him a questioned look.

"What are you doing?" You raised your hand in question.

He doesn't speak, just grinning.

"Of course, feel free to go off someone's comfy position by moving their legs and sit." You said rapidly and looked back at the television.

"Well, hello you too." Was his response with a sweet smile across his face.

You looked back at him. "What's that smile for?" You can't help but exhale a little laugh.

"It's nothing." He looked at the television, still with his hands placed on your legs. "What are you watching?"

"A movie."

"Whoah, don't tell me." He fakes a suprised voice. "I meant, which movie."

"I don't really know," you said still staring the TV. "all I know is that it's really boring and there's nothing more entertaining on the TV." You groan.

"Okay." Was all he said and you both stoped the conversation here.

Minutes passed as you both were staring awkwardly at the TV with no one speaking.

All of the sudden, you felt his cold thumb on your leg shaping small circles like a sweet caress on your bare skin.

You were wearing pijama shorts so his cold touch made your whole body shiver, but coldness wasn't the only thing that made you shiver. It also gave you some strange felling like knots in your stomach, and you're not really sure if it was because of that sandwich with ham you ate earlier or it was caused by him.

"You know.."

Thank God, he finally broke the silence.
You thought.

"I have a nice idea of what we could do instead of watching this stupid un-humor comedy."

"Which is..." You wait for him to complete his suggest, not looking at him, with you eyes still on the TV.

He's silent for seconds and you turned to look at him inpatiently for his anwer.

Instead of that, he's just gazing you with his famous evily smirk on his beautifully evil face, showing his cunning thoughts...

"What...oh, no... no, no, I won't have sex with you Malachai!"

"Well.. I wasn't supposed to go that far.. but I could if you want." He winks at you and his smirk became a big grin on his face.

You blush in embarrassment and he noticed and laughed.

"I'm teasing you Y/N." He pocked your nose and smiled. "Unless you still want to make out with me." He winked again.

You stare back at the television and discreetly bite your lip but you still didn't answer to his enticing offer.

He noticed that you're thinking at it and he looked over and stares at you. "So, you do." He teases you again.

You don't want to admit it to him aloud but you do want him. You want his lips and his touch over you like anything. You feel your entire body heaten up and you finally realised that the knots in your stomach are eventually affected by him. So, istead of answering, you stay silent.

Both of your gazes are landed on each other's, no one speaks, four eyes communicating and desire the same thing.

Kai leans slowly down over you with his eyes never leaves yours and yours never leave his. After a moment he placed a long soft kiss on your dry lips. He pulled back. And of course. That grin again.

But this time his grin was different. It was pleased and confident. Dominant and even hotter than other times before.

He exhales softly through his nose in amusement. "I guess your silence was a 'yes' "

You rolled your eyes and pulled the back of his head with your right hand to meet his lips once again.

•Kai Parker•  ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now