Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to The Love Of My Life

The next few weeks feel like a breeze for our focus is still on eachother. We do all the usual things that couples do except when I used to watch them on the television and think of how disgusting it was, i realise how beautiful it should of been and know why they acted like the did.

Were planning a holiday soon, I don't want to sit around the house or become part of society but i want to travel and live to see what the world has to offer. So after two weeks of being in the same country were both getting ready to visit another. As a child i was constantly moved around, my mother had always been one for moving for some reason or another and inturn I seem to have picked up this trait.

Theres a spring in my step and a glow around my body as we are once again all packed and walking down the path to another taxi. The passion between us hasnt dulled down either, infact if anything its got greater, the passion nights in the dark during a lightening storm or the shower we share in the morning. I cant seem to let go, even for a second. 

We arrive at the airport, different from the one we went to last time, and checked in. We waited hours and hours, slowly being drained by the constant noises or maybe from watching the screen for too long either way I look down to find her, the love of my life, Rosalina  Cortell. 

Rosaline was always the one I knew i was meant to be with, no one else ever came close, but then again not that there was many others. I always separated myself from other girls, in the hope one day shel be with me again. 

I really do appreciate everything shes done for me, she moved half the world to just be with me and there's no way im letting go of her now. Never again will i feel lost, alone or abandoned. Shes mine and always will be. The beauty of it all is she feels the same so I will forever treat her like a princess and I will be her prince. From now til eternity.

So we finally Board our plane and head to our first destination, California. After 10 hours of sitting up and rambling about what we'll do first, and how we will never be alone aslong as we know who we are on the inside.

I start getting very nervous as we finally arrive and whilst in the airport I stop Roslina by grabbing her arm, she turns and smiles and says " What we waiting for? Come on theres a whole world out there and were missing it and if you think I'm leaving without you, you have another thing coming mister". With that we head off to buy our next item on the agenda. A car, and not just any car, a Volks Wagon van. The ideal car companion to drive us to our future. I don't know whether we'll ever go back, we might like it here and want to stay here. 

Were driving down the road and a thought crosses my mind again, its re-occuring. I stop the van " If I dont't do this now I might never do it." Rosaline looks at me stunned by confusion. I reach for my pocket and pull out the item I've been concealing since she arrived back in my arms. "This is for you, and whenever you feel lost, alone or find yourself without me. I want you to hold it and have hope I can make it back to you or make things right." Shes still looking stunned as i pull the silver necklace out. Its encrusted in sapphires and emeralds spiralled around a majestic bird in flight. Tears start streaming from her face and i feel a sudden emotion of guilt. She looks at me, the tears have only made her eyes gleem even more. " I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you". She grabs my face and pulls me in kissing me with the passion in which I have become accustom to, and even though its the same kiss visibly, each time feels like the first. 

I pull away quickly and she returns to her seat, I'm now pumped to get going. The smile on my face and the glowing expression Rosalina and I are both showing suggests this is the real deal, the real thing, the love you only hear about in the movies. "I Love You" I say cautiously to see her reaction. She gives me not even a flicker of an eye lid. I'm now thrown by this and refuse to mention anything, she gives me a look and says gently "Are you ok?" "I said I loved you and you didn't say it back, was it too soon?" I say this hoping she hasn't changed her mind all of a sudden and wants to go back to her perfect life away from me. Rosalina simply turns and say to me in the cutest possible way "I didn't respond because you should know I've loved you from first moment we met". I'm now refusing to look at her for the tears streaming down my face and the emotion I'm feeling is so strong and devoting I really do not know how to process this, It's true! I have someone! Someone who actually loves me for who I am and knows me inside and out, what I've been through and with all my many faults still says to me in absolute focus that she loves me. It's just heated my soul and I feel like I could do anything. 

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