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We were on the road again. Farkle was still unhappy it seemed and I was too. How could I be happy when I was calling my boyfriend of four years to break up with him?

"Hi Lucas can you talk?" I rushed out as he answered.

"What is it Riley?" He said sounding slightly drunk, I checked my watch to see it was only 5 o'clock in New York, too early even for Lucas.

"Maybe I should wait for you to be sober." Delivering such news in his state wouldn't leave any room for resolution or a possibility of friendship.

"Riley I'm sober. Just fucking tell me already!" He yelled out and I winced, holding the phone a bit far from my face. Farkle looked at me with confusion.

"Okay fine. I think we should break up."

"Why? I thought you loved me."

"And I thought you loved me, but Lucas we're not the same Lucas and Riley from middle school and I need time to figure out who I am, by myself."

"That's a fucking dumb excuse Riley you're not breaking up with me I'm Lucas Friar!" He yelled this and I closed my eyes. This wasn't my Lucas but then I remembered my Lucas didn't exist and he hadn't for a long time.

"Goodbye Lucas." My voice cracked and a single tear streaked my face. I dropped the call before he could yell any further, making my heart ache more.

"Are you okay?" Farkle whispered and I turned to look at him, forgetting he was there. I nodded wiping my face as I did so but then I shook my head no, not wanting to hide my true emotions any longer.

"No not really but I think I will be now." I whispered and Farkle seemed to understand this.

"When things become difficulty for Smackle and I, I thought I would never be happy again but then we realized we were better as friends. We were happier as friends, and Zay felt less like a third wheel which was good too." Farkle smiled to himself and I chuckled. Zay had always complained about being an extra wheel for either the triangle or smarckle. I missed Zay. I wished I hadn't been so big of a jerk, but it was too late now I had to live with my decisions, good or bad.

"How are they?" I asked wanting to know more about them.

"Smackle is still a genius, she's going to Harvard, and Zay is still a great friend and he's mad that I'm leaving but he's promised to visit as many times as humanly possible. We're happy but it's not the same happy as middle school." Farkle said somberly and I nodded.

"I can relate to that." Farkle thought about this for a while, I could see his brain working.

"Okay Riley Matthews, what makes you happy?" Then I took my turn to think for a while.

"Music, photography, my family, traveling, and my friends." I said simply, not knowing what else I could possibly say.

"Music, photography, and traveling....alright we'll get to California asap and do as many touristy things our bodies can handle." Farkle stated and I was shocked.

"You don't have to do that." He shook his head to say it wasn't a big deal.

"That's not all, you're going to take pictures and now you're going to choose the music. From now on this trip is going to be fun, fun, fun." Farkle handed me the aux cord and my stomach flipped.

Automatically I went to Beyoncé and played love on top. Farkle turned the volume up and started singing, which made me giggle and then I started singing. Soon we were belting out the lyrics trying to hit the notes but failing miserably and laughing at our failures.


Farkle wasn't joking when he said the trip was going to be fun from then on. We ended up watching Star Wars when we got to our hotel. My room was across the hall but the movie was in his room.

"Are you crying? Who cries during Star Wars?" Farkle said looking over at me. We were watching revenge of the sith and it was about to the volcano anakin scene.

"Are you kidding me? Obi-Wan and Anakin's fight always gets me emotional, this is basically the death of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan realizes that." I ranted and Farkle looked amused and impressed. He had never known how big of a Star Wars fan I was up until now.

"I didn't think anyone cared this much about the prequels." He chuckled and whispered it as we were trying to keep the volume low, in order to not disturb anyone. It was pretty late at night so we wanted to avoid complaints.

"As awful as the lines Hayden Christensen was given were the prequels have a special place in my heart." I whispered clutching onto the covers we were under to wipe my tears. Farkle leaned over and wiped one away and I tensed at the contact, not knowing why the simple touch made my heart race. We turned our attention back to the screen and watched the last parts of the movie.

"We should watch something happy now." I suggested and Farkle chuckled but complied. He put on some old Disney movie I vaguely remembered watching as a child. It was getting late and my eyes were dropping already, without me knowing better my eyes closed and I rested my head on Farkle's shoulder, he didn't move it.


I woke to see Farkle was nowhere in sight and I had been tucked in. I got up and looked for my room key to my actual hotel room. I couldn't find it anywhere so I stepped out into the hallway and knocked on the door, hoping Farkle was in there. After a couple more knocks he opened it.

The first thing I noticed was Farkle was shirtless, second I noticed Farkle was definitely not a skinny small kid anymore as he had lean muscle, third I noticed his insanely disheveled hair which made me want to run my hands through them. After all this I also noticed the blush spreading throughout my face, he looked at me lazily, waiting for me to say something.

"G'morning, I just needed some clothes to change into."

"Oh right." Farkle said stepping aside and letting me in. I was hyperaware of his shirtless torso and his proximity to me as I moved around the room.

"Thanks for sleeping here I'm sorry I fell asleep in your room, I didn't realize I was so tired." I rushed out as I grabbed my clothes from my bags.

"It's no problem the rooms are the same just what you put in them is what makes them different." Farkle said and I turned around to see he had pulled his shirt back on.

"You're right, I'll head downstairs and meet you in the lobby alright?" I realized he had to get his stuff still so I packed up and headed down.

Farkle and I's relationship became more and more complicated the more I tried to figure it out, but that being said I wouldn't trade it for the world.

A/n: yay an update! I miss riarkle and they deserve better so imma update more and I'm thinking of starting another riarkle fic :)

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