Chapyer 7 - A feeling

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The sun had risen up and shined in a few rays through your window. One of them shined across your face forcing you to wake up. You stretched seeing it was morning. Your arm feels like you could lift a building. Maybe having this mark wasn't so bad? A knock came from the door. It was Lisa
" miss? Hello? " 
" Yeah what is it?" 
" You have a visitor" 

The door opened and you saw a boy walking inside. He thanked Lisa as she left. He smiled at you. your heart went pitter patter. His hair was blond and his shirt was green with a weird swirly design. His eyes were blue while his skin was tan.

​"Hi it's nice to meet you​​​​​" He said smiling. 
"do I know you?" You asked with annoyance 
"kinda" He said scratching the back of his head
"we met a long time ago" 

You felt like you knew him but his face, voice and eyes didn't ring a bell. 

"​It's nice to see you, how have you been?​​​​​" He asked

You didn't know this guy see you weren't comfortable with talking to him so calmly. So you just responded with silence. He gets the idea when you glare at the ground. 

" Yeah I'm sorry I didn't mean to make things awkward" He said nervously
" I'll ask again, who are you?" You asked with slight anger
" I just came for a visit" He responded 
" well I don't know you so leave" an anger boiled inside your blood 
" Uh yeah sure thing!" He said smiling 

He leaves the room. You felt upset like you wanted to talk to him more. Who was that boy? You look at your arm. Still the same if it was bad then you would know by now. With the opposite hand you felt the markings. Smooth like your skin always was. But it looked so weird! You were thirsty so you pressed the service button. Later Lisa walked inside.

" yes miss?" 
" hey I'm kind of thirsty can I please have some water?" You asked kindly 

over time you felt more comfortable around Lisa even though she drugged you. You knew that she was told to and didn't want to. You checked your phone. The contact labeled Ben Drowned was deleted. But why, and more importantly how? You had your phone the entire time! 

(Ben pov) 

I left the room with my stupid disguise on.

"Geez she wasn't very greeting"
I step into the elevator and press the "down" button. Her room was on the second floor at the end of the hall.
"But then again everything that happened to her...." 

Will Slender be able to help y/n? I mean I know he said for me to wait but it just eats away at me knowing I fell in love with a demon. Heh and to think I was worried about loving her because she was human. Boy was I wrong!

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