Chapter 9

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(Y/N) P.O.V

"(y/n), we need to talk..."

Uh oh this can't be good...

I cautiously walk over and sit on the couch next to Jaime. If looks could kill I'd be in a body bag on the way to the morgue right now.

"Look I know you went out with Tony tonight," he starts.

Damn it I knew Vic's plan wouldn't work! Jaime would find out any way!

"And I realize how much of a douche canoe I was to the both of you. I just didn't want to see you hurt again. I want to protect you from ever getting hurt again. I realize that your not a little girl anymore. You're an adult now and old enough to make decisions. I'm so sorry I yelled at you and Tony. I knew deep down that he would never hurt you. I'm sorry (y/n)." Jaime explains with a few tears sliding down his cheeks.

"I forgive you Jaime," I say simply, pulling him in for a hug.

"Thank you (y/n)," he whispers into my hair.

"Promise me you'll tell Tony you're sorry tomorrow," I say looking back at my big brother.

"I promise. How about tomorrow we all go to the beach and put this behind us?" He suggests since he knows I love the beach.

"Sure Hime-Time," I smile.

"Now why don't we bond over some movies and popcorn?" Jaime suggests happily.

"Cool!" I exclaim running over to the stacks of DVDs.

"I'll go make some popcorn!" He yells walking into the kitchen.

"Please don't burn it again!" I yell back.

I'm so happy to have my big brother back.

Tony P.O.V

I wake up with a start as I hear my phone ring. Bulletproof Love plays as my phone continues to ring. (y/n)'s ringtone!

I answer the phone still half asleep and a little groggy.

"Hey beautiful," I yawn into the phone.

"Hey turtle. All of us are going to the beach today care to join?" She asks on the other line.

"Uh sure, is Jaime going?" I ask cautiously.

"Yeah, we had a heart to heart conversation last night and he wants to apologize for how he acted about everything!" she exclaims obviously happy with the results of their conversation.

"Okay cool, what time should I be ready by?" I ask getting out of bed.

"In about an hour and we're meeting here at Jaime's," she says simply.

"Okay see you soon, bye babe," I say ending the call.

I'm glad Jaime wants to apologize for everything. It will mine and (y/n)'s relationship easier since we won't have to hide it.

(Y/n) P.O.V

I dig through my drawers and look for a swim suit. I pull out a black bikini with shorts as bottoms instead of the ones that look more like underwear than a swim suit. The top and bottoms have music notes covering the material. I slip on some black shorts and a T-shirt with the sleeves cut off over my swim suit.

I grab my drawstring bag putting sunblock, sunglasses, a towel and a sweater just in case it gets cold. I slip on my purple flip flops and grab my phone. I walk downstairs and see everyone standing around in the living room. Jaime and Tony are talking casually so I guess they made up.

"Wow you look hot!" Mike exclaims putting an arm around my waist as Tony glares at him.

"Sorry but I'm taken," I sass removing his arm and walking over to Tony.

"Hey beautiful," Tony smiles, kissing me softly on the lips.

"Hey Turtle," I smile hugging him.

"Who's ready to hit the beach?!" Vic exclaims running out the door like a little kid.

"I thought he was supposed to be the mature one since he's the oldest," I laugh as we exit the house.

"Me too," Tony, Mike and Jaime say in unison.

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