Chapter 15

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(Y/N) P.O.V

After staying with Tony for a while I decided to go home and get ready for our date. When I got back I filled Jaime and the guys in on how me and Tony got back together.

"(Y/N), I trust you not to break Tony's heart again, or I might have to disown you as a sister for awhile," Jaime says.

"It won't happen again trust me," I laugh.

"Okay good, now go get ready for you date," Jaime laughs, ruffling my hair.

Tony P.O.V

I'm so glad me and (y/n) patched things up. I don't know what I would do without her. I'm planning on taking her to this nice restaurant and then coming back here and watching some movies.

I drive to Jaime's house to pick up (y/n). I hope tonight goes well. I love her and never want to lose her again. I get out of my car and knock on the door. Jaime is the one to open the door.

"Hey Turtle, you here to pick up (y/n)?"

"Yeah, we made up and now I'm taking her on a date," I smile.

"I'm glad you guys are back together, you're my OTP!" Jaime squeals like a teenage girl.

"You're a total fangirl," I laugh.

"Only for you two," he winks.

After a few minutes of waiting, (y/n) walks down the stairs. Wow she looks stunning! Her black strapless dress fit perfectly and the skirt flared out like a tu-tu. Her hair was curled perfectly. My favorite part her outfit was the fact that she was wearing (f/c) high tops.

"Hey Tony," she smiles, coming over and taking my hand in her's.

"Hey beautiful," I smile kissing her cheek.

"Get out of here lovebirds, oh and have fun. Don't worry about bringing her home tonight," Jaime smirks, earning the middle from both me and (y/n).

(Y/N) P.O.V

After a 20 minute car ride filled with off key singing we reach the restaurant. It was a nice Italian one I've never been to before. Tony opened the door like a gentleman and walked in behind me.

"This place is so nice!" I beam looking around at the interior design.

"Anything for my girl," he winks, pulling me close to him.

A waitress soon assists us and leads us to our table. She kept flirting with Tony which was starting to annoy me. I know he's hot and everything but can't she see that he's on a date with me!? Before she could flirt any longer, I leaned over kissing Tony passionately, which shut her up pretty quick.

Time skip (cause I don't wanna write about you guys eating food).

After we ate, we went straight to Tony's.

"Hey babe can I borrow one of your shirts and some sweats?" I ask as we walk inside.

"Yeah go ahead sweetheart, I'm just gonna make some popcorn," he calls from the kitchen.

Tony P.O.V

Tonight has been great! After grabbing some blankets and the popcorn, I turned on the tv. (Y/n) came down wearing one of my t shirts and some sweats. Dammmmnnnn she looks good in my clothes!

"You look good in my clothes," I smirk, earning a blush from her.

We get settled on the couch and decide to watch (f/m) since its one of her favorites. She snuggles against with her head on my chest. How did I get so lucky to have a girl like her?

A/N: WHOO! Finally have a new chapter for you guys!

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