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Before you start reading, there's some things I would like to say.

First of all, thank you for opening this book, adding it to your library, voting or even considering to read it. That alone means the world to me.

I'm writing this note when I only have two chapters to end this story. I have just ended planning what exactly happens on those.

I'll have to warn you that this indeed is a short story and that more than anything, it's something I think many will be able to relate to. Elizabeth is a real character, with her flaws but she gets to grow a lot during the course of this novel.

Lastly, but not less important, I want you to know that writing this has been one hell of a ride for me. A solitary ride. I chose to complete the story before publishing it. Mainly because I didn't know if I wanted to post it and secondly because I used my lack of internet as an excuse. No one knew I was writing again until it was almost finished and to this point, no one has gotten farther than the first chapter.

For the first time in my life, I just wrote something that had been on my mind for a long time and even though I didn't have a fully thought idea of what I wanted to do, it worked.

The description, prologue (which used to be two chapters: 0.0 prologue and 0.5 the plan) and first chapter were written during January 2016, when the idea for this novel came to me, looking through that little mirror you can see in this book's cover. Chapter number 2.0 the city, was written during my (short - shall I say) visit to New York, during July 2016, the idea still in my head but not having time enough to continue it.

After that, everything else was written during January 2017, when I came back to the town that holds this house, with my room in it and specially this little mirror, through which I got the idea for this story.

I did my best, to write a story I would be proud of and for it to be something I would want to read but of course, it's not edited by anyone near professional. It's just me and my effort, hope you appreciate it.

I'm sorry if I have bored you with this foreword, but this note, this story, is my way to open up my heart to you and show you a piece of my soul, I couldn't help adding a few words before starting.

Without anything else to add, I'll leave you to read. I hope you read this, I know many don't read autor's notes, sometimes I don't either but I still hope you do.

I'll see you at the end of the ride.


And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love... you make.

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