Chapter 2

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My mom and I spent hours at the kitchen table talking about how my parents met and how goofy my dad was in their early years of getting to know each other. It was funny to actually know the backstory of their lives before I was born. Mama told me that one time daddy took her ice skating and accidentally went out onto thin ice with her. Mama fell through nearly pulling daddy down with her but he managed to pull her out and to safety. When they got to the hospital daddy stayed with mama overnight. My grandparents were worried and fear for the worst. Granddaddy chewed my dad out for putting his only daughter in danger but daddy was brave enough to stand up to granddaddy. Mom mom was more grateful to daddy. She knew it was just an accident and showed her gratitude by baking him a blueberry pie every year on that day of the incident until mama and daddy married. I never got to meet my grandparents. Mama said that they were strict but fair. She was the youngest of nine. Eight brothers and your the only girl? That shit had to blow. Mama knew the ins and outs of the mind of a man so thankfully she was able to calm my anxiety of seeing Prince and being afraid of him. We laughed together about how embarrassed I was after I told him and had to cover it up with lying about liking Andre. My mom got a really good kick out of that.

  "Well baby Andre isn't that bad? I bet he's a complete gentleman!" She said as she laughed.

  "Ew! Mama! Andre is gross! I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole. And even then I wouldn't touch the pole. Ugh!"

I sipped my hot chocolate and just as I sat the mug down on the table there was a knock on the front door.

"You wanna get that or should I?" My mom asked me with a smile.

She would never smile so big....unless she was up to something.

"No! I'm fine right here thanks!" I said as I went back to shoving cookies in my mouth.

"What are you so afraid of?"

"Right now? You."

Mama sighed and got up from the table. She wiped her hands on the front of her baking apron and made her way to the door.

"You're a real gem Regan." I heard her say as she left the kitchen.

My moms giddiness made me not trust her even more as I sat there eating myself into a depressed stupor. The door creeped open but I didn't hear anyone come inside. The silence of it all was way too suspect for my liking. As bad as I wanted to get up I forced myself to stay at the table and not care about what was going on at the front door.

"Regan honey?" My mom called.

"Huh?" I questioned nervously tapping my nail against the heavy ceramic mug.

"Someone's here to see you!"

"Who is it?" I shouted frustrated because I was happier being undisturbed.

"Baby just come to the door please?" She called to me in a begging manner.

I pushed myself back from the table and with a loud groan I shoved another cookie in my mouth and dragged myself to the living room. My mom stepped out of the way and there he was.

"Seriously!?!?!?" I moaned as my mom patted my shoulder.

"I'll let you two have a moment alone." She said heading back to the kitchen.

She was about to round the corner when I pushed the door closed in Prince's face. My mom turned around abruptly scowling at my rude actions.

"Regan Michelle! I know good and well I didn't raise you to be a godless heathen!" She hollered.

"Mama! Why is he here? I just told you what happened and I don't want to see him! Especially after I just embarrassed myself like that!"

My moms demeanor softened up a little as Prince knocked on the door.

"Ummmm Mrs. J? I know this may sound stupid but can I please use your bathroom?"

"You can hold it troll!" I snapped from inside.

"Can it cabbage head!" Prince hissed back.

My mom threw her head back and marched over to the door and swinging it open hard pulling Prince inside.

"Alright you two now this little spat of yours has got to stop! What it wrong with you? Huh? One minute you are joined at the toenails and the next you're at each other like cats and dogs now what is it?" My mom yelled already over what was going on and just wanted the fact of the matter.

"She only said that she likes me because she's jealous that I asked the new girl to the fall formal!" Prince said angrily.

The look and feeling of wanted to smack the music clear out of his brain was one look I think my mom will never get out of her mind.

"You jive ass clown! You lie like a cheap rug on an ice cold Sunday!"

"Well its true ain't it!?!?!"

"No it ain't true prince! Why would I even tell you to ask her to the dance in the first place? You've been following the girl around like a puppy for the last two weeks! For god sakes get over yourself!"

Tears were rushing down my face and it was unintentional for me to be that hurt but Prince was my friend. I told him something that I was denying for the last few days and now that it's out there this is what I get? For him to think that it was a plot? Wiping my eyes I looked at Prince and was so made that the next statement that came out had even hurt me when I said it.

"Consider our friendship over! You can take your stupid charm back too."

Snatching the gold necklace that he gave me when we started the 5th grade together of a music note from around my neck I threw it at his feet and ran up to my room slamming my door closed behind me. This was the first time I felt pain like this since my father died. I don't think seeing Prince would be wise after today but unfortunately I have to. We go to the same school. Life as a teenage girl fucking sucks.

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