Chapter 8- Aftermatch

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Emily's POV
Tuesday afternoon
It was half past 6 when Shawn left. Both Jason and I were too hungry to argue anymore so we ordered a pizza. (after texting our mum first of course. Make sure to get parents permission first kids!) We ate silently before going separately into our rooms. I flopped onto my back on my comfy bed and sighed. I replayed everything that happened in the last 12 hours.
The PE lesson with Shawn being rude.
The music lesson with Niall
Niall lips brushing against mine
Niall asking me out.
The fight with Niall, the boys and Shawn.
Carrying Shawn home and nursing him on my bed.
Jason discovering Shawn and the explanations and arguments.
Jason yelling at Shawn to leave me alone.
Shawn. A single tear dripped down my face. And then another. And then I was bawling my eyes out.
Wednesday morning
"What's up with you? You look horrible?" Amelia asked the next morning when we greeted each other at schools
"Geez thanks. And hey to you too."
"Hey I'm just being a honest friend." Amelia smiled putting her hands up in surrender.
"Yeah I know. It was just a long day yesterday?" I sighed.
"Nemily action?" She smirked, wiggled her eyebrows and nudged me with her elbow. I laughed. Then frowned remembering that she doesn't know anything that happened. I wasn't ready to tell her about Shawn.
"Niall..." I started.
"Go on.." she grinned.
"Niall and I kisssed. Sort of" I said quickly. Then I blushed. And smiled.
"Niall and I kissed!" I repeated smiling so wide.
"And Niall asked me out!!" I jumped up and down. Fangirling.
Amelia just stared at me. Squinting her eyes at me to work out if I was kidding or not.
"O M G! OMG OMG OMG!!" She squealed jumping with me. I laughed.
"whEN, HOW, WHAT HAPPENED TELL ME!!" She yelled grabbing my shoulders and shaking me.
Everything that happened with Shawn yesterday soon didn't matter. It took this long for -the fact that Niall freaking Horan, my crush for like eternity, kissed (lips brushed mine whatever) and asked me out- it to sink it. Ahhhhhh. I don't care if he beat Shawn up or not. Shawn derserved it anyway. All that cuteness is him just using me. I told Amelia everything that happened up to when I left to walk home. When I finished, my face was bright red.
"OMG WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO WEAR!?" Amelia asked/yelled.
"I DONT KNOW THATS WHAT I THOUGHT!" I yelled back. We were interrupted by the bell.
"That's our cue." Amelia sighed.
"Yup see you at lunch!" We hugged and walked our seperate ways.
Classes zoomed by and the whole day I saw neither Shawn or Niall
Wednesday afternoon
That afternoon Jason and I had a glimpse of eye contact before turning away and avoiding each other.
I grabbed a snack (since mum wasn't home ;) ) and read Harry Potter for a bit before starting my homework.
My phone chimed.
Mum 💕- Another late night at the hospital, there's microwave food in the fridge, help yourself.
Love Mum ❤️
I sighed.
"Just me and you again Jase" I called out to Jason who was in his room probably playing PlayStation.
He didn't answer. I was confused about what terms were we on. He must be mad at me about the Shawn incident but he hasn't discussed it yet? Hmm. My stomach grumbles and got up to answer my food call...
Thursday Morning
I had Music second period that day. That meant seeing Niall, the boys and Shawn again. I frowned not quite sure if I was ready to face them. But one thing I knew was certain. I was going to agree to go with Niall. Why should I let this opportunity pass up just because of one minor incident? Who was I fooling I had already be caught it Shawn's trap. He was just so hot and funny and Emily keep your priorities straight.
On my way to music I spotted Niall and quickly walked towards him.
"Emily." He smiled.
"Niall." I couldn't help but smile back.
"I'm sorry abou-"
"I want to go with you tomorrow." I said cutting him off.
"What?" He asked in confusion.
"I mean..I'm willing to forget about Tuesday and I would like to go out with you tomorrow." In his silence I quickly added, "if your willing?"
I watched him as his face lit up and started grinning an adorable infectious smile. Wasn't quite as good as Shawn's- no stop. You're on team Niall not Shawn.
"Really?" He asked smiling at me.
"Yeah." I smiled back.
"Okay, how about we swap numbers and I'll send you details this afternoon?" He grinned.
"Sounds great!"
We walked together to music constantly looking up at each other making eye contact, blushing and looking away.
Everything was perfect.

Ahhhh so what do you guys think?
Team Nemily (Niall/Emily)
Team Shemily (Shawn/Emily)
I think rn I'm on board team Nemily but don't give up hope on Shawn!!

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