Chapter 3: Malfoy in Distress

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Chapter 3: Malfoy in Distress

A/N: I’m really, really, really sorry guys for not updating it’s just that I’ve had a writer’s block. I thought I might abandon this story but, oh well. Again, I’m sorry and I hope it’s worth the wait.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter. I just make fan fictions to please others. J

**Draco’s POV**

Fuck, Fuck! How could she force me back to this damn school again? I’m 18 for Circe’s sake! I can do whatever I want without my bloody mother bossing me around. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love her; she’s the only one who protects me from my pathetic excuse of a father whenever he uses the Cruciatus and other nasty hexes at me. It’s just that she’s being insufferable at times. Can’t she see that many things happened in this place, things that I have already forgotten, and it’ll come back if I ever set foot in there again? Not to mention the people glaring daggers at me whenever they see me. I’m tired of all of this. I’m tired of being judged at! When I received that bloody letter from McGonagall asking me to go back and giving me the Head Boy position, I weighed all the consequences that might happen. And I realized that there’s no point of me continuing my studies there! I think that woman needs to call the Healer. Me, a Head Boy? ‘Yeah and I like to dance ballet.’

And then, I realized something. Since Granger was first in her every class, she could be the Head Girl! No, scratch that. She will be Head Girl. Surprise, surprise! Knowing her, she’s practically squealing in delight. So not only I’m forced to relive my worst nightmares in that freaking place, I also have a know-it-all bookworm for company. Ugh! Can it get any better? Oh I can’t wait! (‘Please take note of my sarcasm there.) I’m sure Scarhead and Weasel weren’t happy that I’m the one that got the position and not their pretty little arses. I better get myself prepared for their threats about hurting their little princess. But to be honest, I really don’t care anymore. Even though Potter saved my life at the Room of Requirement, it doesn’t mean I’m going to warm up to him. Okay maybe my coldness and snarky attitude will lessen but nothing else. Don’t expect me to be another Potter worshipper.

The day before returning to Hogwarts was only when I had known my mother was dying. Dying, Merlin help me! She told me that it was an effect of one of Dolohov’s curses that accidentally hit her. Now I really don’t want to go back to Hogwarts. Why am I so blind? Why didn’t I notice it before? She was paler than ever, her body thin and fragile and her face bearing pain and sorrow. I confined her to St. Mungo’s, ignoring the disgusted face of the nurses, and stayed there for her. From time to time she was coughing blood and I really pity her. What will happen when she’s gone? I know I wasn’t the perfect son and I’m not good at expressing my emotions but still. She’s my mother. She carried me for nine months and protected me from my abusive father. I can’t stand to see her suffering. I went out of her room to get coffee and when I’m back, I was surprised to hear her speak.

“D-Draco...” She croaked. Her voice was hoarse and I can’t help but flinch a little.

“Yes Mother?”

“Prom-Promise me…” She was struggling to breathe and I’m starting to panic.

“Promise you what?”

“Promise me you’ll continue your studies at Hogwarts.”

“B-But Mother I-” I was shocked and a bit annoyed that she’s wasting her remaining time being insufferable.

“You’ll continue your studies there and when you graduate, find a good job and bring back the honour to the Malfoy name. Show them that you’ve changed. And then… And then marry someone. Someone you love and not because it’s a Pureblood. Make a happy family and learn from my mistakes. I married someone for the sake of blood purity, power and wealth. Don’t be like that Draco. Don’t…” She was sobbing now and I rushed to her side and soothe her.

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