Chapter 4: Friendship? Maybe not.

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Chapter 4: Friendship? Maybe not.

**Hermione’s POV**

‘What’s wrong with him?! One moment he’s apologizing, the next he just yelled at me. Why did I even think of forgiving him, huh? After all he’s done? I was tortured at his house by his aunt and what did he do? He had the chance to save me but he chose to watch me writhing and screaming in pain. He seemed to enjoy it. I thought he’s changed but I thought wrong.’ I sighed while rubbing my temples.

‘Maybe he’s still upset with his mother’s death. You always knew that only his mother truly cared for him. Also, I guess he’s tired of feeling weak. He’s always receiving pitiful looks and cold glares for all we know. He had choices but he chose the wrong ones. Maybe we should give him another chance. Then, you decide if you’ll believe him or not.’ Another voice in my head said.

‘I guess you’re right. But that doesn’t mean that I can trust him, though. Who knows what he might do if I let my guard down.’ I reasoned.

‘If you say so.’

What is happening to me? I’m talking and arguing with myself? That’s not what normal people do. But then again, after I received my Hogwarts letter 7 years ago, I don’t think I’m normal. Odd and unusual things happen to me every year since then. ‘Maybe I’m just tired. I better get some sleep.’

I got up from where I was sitting and headed to our shared bathroom. After cleaning myself and brushing my teeth, I changed into my favorite nightgown. I braided my hair to lessen its tangles and bushiness in the morning. I sighed. I’m so. Unfortunately, this year wouldn’t be as fun as I thought.’ I let out a rather loud yawn. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I drifted off to sleep.


**Draco’s POV**

‘The nerve of her! Curse her and her kindness. She’s too kind for her own good. I don’t need her or anyone’s pity. I can this by myself.’ I lay down on my bed not even bothering to change into comfortable clothes. I stared silently at the ceiling while tears streamed down my cheeks causing my pillow to get soaked. My mom’s the only one I have. I can’t afford to lose her. I don’t think I can cope this.

It was 1:30am and here I am, tossing and turning in my bed. I still can’t wrap my head at the fact that she’s dead. Gone. Forever. ‘I need to see her one last time. I’ll owl McGonagall so I can leave St. Mungo’s tomorrow morning. I walked to my bag to get some parchment, a quill and a bottle of ink.

Dear Headmistress,

Good morning. First of all, I offer you my apologies for sending this to you in the wee hours of the morning. You know very well that I wouldn’t bother if it isn’t anything important.

I would like to ask permission to leave the school grounds later, say 9 am or earlier, to St. Mungo’s. My mother’s healer sent me a letter last night stating that she… passed away. I need to go there to arrange her burial and other necessities. I promise to be back again before curfew.

Thank you.


Draco Lucius Malfoy

I tied the letter to my grey owl, Hyperion, who hooted obediently and then took off. I watched as it disappeared into the dark sky.

Thankfully, I already felt my eyes drooping. As I changed my clothes, I noticed my reflection at the mirror. I have dark circles under my eyes which is already red and bloodshot. My hair is tousled and my clothes are crumpled. I bet my father will sneer at me when he sees my look. I yawned loudly. I glanced at the clock, it’s nearly 2. I dragged myself to bed preparing for sleep to take over.


I awoke by an irritating tap at my window. I groggily stood up to shut that annoying sound up. I snatched the letter from it, fed it with treats and went back to my bed. I checked the time, a quarter before 7 am. I scowled. ‘I just slept for 5 bloody hours!’  I opened the letter lazily and began to read.

Mr. Malfoy,

Good day! I would definitely grant you permission to leave. I also want to offer my deepest condolences. I’m truly am sorry. You can use the floo on my office. It closes just before curfew.


Headmistress McGonagall

I tossed the letter aside and prepared my things.

A/N: I know it's short but.. Oh well! :D I'd like to know what you think guys! Puhlease? *puppy eyes*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2014 ⏰

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