Minnie // c.h

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Calum Hood.

The name brought shivers to my spine.

He's mine.

The thought brought tears to my eyes.

The Wedding tomorrow.

The event made me the happiest person on this planet, maybe even this galaxy.

"Don't have tooo much fun, babe." I laughed at Calum and the boys. Tonight was his bachelor party.

"Ugh. Party pooper!" Michael complained.

"Baby, I promise that I was be the most responisbe person you have ever met, while drunk." Calum joked back.

"Alright!" I kissed his soft lips, "Can't wait until tomorrow.." I whispered agaisnt his lips.

"Neither can I, Mrs.Hood." He said back.

They soon left, leaving me and my friends to have a girls night out.

"Do you think they're at the strip club?" One of them laughed, making my stomach churn.

"I-I don't think he would do that.." I laughed with her nervously.

"Who? Calum? Ha! The boys probably have girls giving him lap dancing right, left and centre!" Another answered.

I didn't let the thought of Calum and other women get to me for the rest of the night, it wasnt worth thinking of somthing that will just ruin my night.

The girls and I danced, drunk and laughed at helerious memories between all of us before I realised it was 3:30 am.

"Girls.. I'm about t-to fall asleep.." My words slurred due to the alcohol.

"Okay, let's get this one home."

* * *

"Are you sure you're fine?" They asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just going to fall straight to sleep." I reassured them and closed my door, heading to my old bedroom at my parents house.

* * *

"Sleeping beauty, wake up!" My mother rocked me slightly. "It's your big day, Minnie!"

The Wedding..

I groaned slightly before lifting my head to the glaring sun through the curtains.

"What time is it?" I put my hand in front of my face to shield the sun.

"Six am! Now, chop chop, You've got to get into your dress."

After my normal morning routine and breakfast, I got into my white wedding dress, also know as the dress in my dreams that has been hand made and stitched to perfection.

"Sweetheart? You're heels? Where are they?" My mother asked and I felt my stomach drop.

"I-In the bag? Arn't they?" I panicked.

"No, Minnie. I checked." She shook her head.

"Oh, no! Mum, I left them at the flat!" I rubbed my temples.

"We've got plenty of time, just get in the car and I'll drive." She told me, but it didn't make me feel the slightest calmer.

We got into the car and drove to the flat, me putting on a big jumper to cover the top of the dress as much as I can.

In and out, don't let him see the dress properly, okay?" She explained as I promised to do as she said.

I got to the front door, opening it to an silent house.

Tip-toeing to the bedroom, I opened the door the slightest to see if Calum was sleeping.

And he was.


With another women.

I pushed the door open fully, reviling me and the dress.With the extra light source, Calum's eyes opened slightly before fully.

His mouth hung open and a gasp flew out when he saw me.

"M-Minnie," He began. "Y-You look beautiful.."

"I do?" I squeaked. "As beautiful as that.. that whore sleeping next to you? huh?" I cried and his head snapped to the side, now seeing the naked women.


"What are you going to tell me? 'It's not what it looks like?' What, Calum!" Tears flowed mercilessly down my decorated face.


"It's off! Forget the wedding! Forget you!" I waved my hand towards me and run as fast as I can in a wedding dress tithe front door.

"Minnie! Wait, please!" I could here him yelling, but it didn't stop me.

"I'm sorry! Please, Minnie!" I heard his footsteps now.

Unable to walk anymore, I collapse on the ground in our living room, sobbing.

"M-Minnie.." Calum stopped I front of me and I looked up at him.

"I-It was a mistake.." Calum looked at me pleadingly.

"No. No, Calum. You are the mistake." I cried, hurt in his eyes. "I was warned about you - my father warned me. 'Don't date any famous men, Minnie' He said. 'They'll jut hurt you',"

Calum looked at the engagement ring in my finger as I grasped it, almost as if his life depended on that one diamond band.

"P-Please.." He pleaded.

"God.. Why is my father always right!" I become angry, Throwing the ring into his chest where his heart should be, before running out to my mother in the car.

"Drive." I demand.

"What's wro-"

"Just drive." I begin. "Drive and don't ask me why."

Part One :) I couldn't do all of it tonight.. but the Second Part should up soon

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