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How long had she been treading though these woods around her...? 

She wasn't sure anymore. It was dusk and soon darkness would eclipse the forest she was in. Thankfully it had not been too cold given she'd been fleeing from him without any shoes. Her bare feet hurt and were covered in mud.

She was thankful she'd been used to not wearing a bra at least. Her loose shirt clung to her covered in sweat at this point in their little game, but what was even more agonizing at this point was the two very distinct toys just under her pants and panties that were vibrating away at her body.

Hours earlier he'd approached her shortly after she'd woken, it had been then that she'd been directed to lean over. She had obediently complied and with a little lubrication he'd carefully tucked two toys away inside of her. She'd stood and he'd made use of rope to ride tight between her thighs to hold them nice and snug to her lower regions in an effort to offer fuller effect.

From there he'd simply turned and headed towards the door in a swift enough about face. He had told her that she was to run from him and stay away from him under any cost. He had then explained that he would count to ten.

Quickly she'd pulled her pants back up but she had little chance for much else as she bolted out the window into a full run. He'd informed her that the woods outside the base were still booby trapped for the BLUs and that he would be in full gear in his hunt for her. The last note chilled her even now.

Five hours later and here she was. She'd had a few close calls in the mean time. Right now he was getting close to her again. She was thankful she'd managed to stop the blood from the bolt in her shoulder which had been giving her position away. The bolt was still trapped however. She also carried a deep gash in her side from his bone saw.

Moving forward she tried to keep her breath even and soft so that he might not even hear her if he were to grow nearer.

Tucking out of sight she'd slipped into a hollowed out log on the ground which made her stomach turn at the sight of all the bugs lined its decaying innards. She'd take observing him dissect an enemy cadaver over bugs any day of the week. Still shivering she'd tried her hardest to ignore the crawling around her as she focused on controlling such an involuntary reaction as best she could.

It was then that she'd heard footsteps and her heart sank into her stomach.

Had she any solace from the constant running she very well might have been grinding herself against the forest floor under her but that had seldom been the case. What he'd slid inside of her was as much to rouse her loins from their earlier slumber as to prepare her for whatever he'd have in store.

All of his hunts ended the same way and they would forever paint a vibrant sanguine on canvas of how delightfully cruel the German Doktor could be. Most ended any endeavors of understanding him right outside of white double doors that started his domain or at the end of their matches where he'd make himself scarce to prepare for wounded. There were, however, a few on his team that had dared to push past the man's violently cool exterior and murderous smiles to discover more than the creature of intelligence and precision he presented himself to be.

She had been gifted with a glimpse of more than just his illustrious love affair with organs and spread ribs. No, she'd glimpsed a facet of him that whispered of a simplistic hunger.

As she listened to twigs snap under polished jack boots she held her breath as she pleaded with her heart to grow silent to assist with her illusion of a stillness so serene that he might press on.

Her eyes darted about as she heard his steps slowly fade away. It was only after another five minutes that she dared only then to breathe more fully. She refused to move for, what seemed, another fifteen as she lowly trudged and wiggled free of the rot she'd submersed herself into.

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