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His attentions seemed to return to her chest as she sighed gratefully. Still, begrudgingly, unable to move she simply breathed deeply as she closed her eyes. With her sense of sight effectively absent it only increased the sensation of his touches moreso. Thin lips mouthed the sensitive flesh of her breasts. She could swear she felt his cock throbbing against her; it only worked towards emphasizing the insane amount of restraint he carried. She'd seen him in combat though, some resolve was needed given his line of work, after all.

How many of her coworkers did he want to maim at any given moment opposed to assisting?

When his free hand caressed her sides a soft whimper rose in her throat. They had always been sensitive; could she have moved, surely she'd of recoiled away. Feeling his hand slip lower, fingers hooked under the waist of her sleeper pants as her eyes fluttered open. Cold ground met her ass as she shivered, breasts only getting harder. It wasn't long before they were tossed aside. Deft fingertips snaked their way under the hem of her panties as she felt him slowly retrieve a very slick toy that was buried inside of her pussy before roughly sending it back in again and again as thick strings of wet leaked down her ass.

Her lungs moved shakily body trembling in an involuntary reaction outside of her control. She wondered how long this paralytic would last?

She practically drooled as tense as her frame was for any sort of relief. When he stopped, her mind practically screamed--a pathetic and needy whimper leaving her instead.

'Viktor please...please..!' she thought silently, her eyes locked as best as they could manage.

As though hearing her silent pleas, his mouth slowly moved lower from chest to stomach before inching further downward. Raising up straight from where he'd been hunched over those sharp eyes of his seemed to bore back into her.

The very sight of her at his mercy aroused him to no end.

Reaching out, warm and soothing fingertips drew lazy designs across her thighs with rough fingertips before his arms slowly wrapped around them. A displeased grunt left her as he compressed the injury in her thigh as he picked her hips up off the ground and over his shoulders.

Her face could only flush more being at such a compromised angle and position as her weight, now focused into her shoulders, one of which was screaming under the pressure, caused a new noise that did not sound very pleased to blossom in her throat.

This particular sound was quickly replaced however when his soothing mouth clamped itself down on her needy body. His tongue easily spread her lips as he was greeted with the sweet taste of wet body.

The paralytics she'd been administered must not have been very strong given she found herself able to slowly moan more fully. This only seemed to spur the medic on as the tip of his tongue flicked and glided teasingly around her swollen clit.

This went on for several more minutes when the creakiest rasp of English broke from his preys lips.

"Medic..." she'd moaned.

Viktor's stern voice whispered into her folds, "Again."

The vibrations of his words made her gasp, "M-medic...!"

The raw heat of his hands roamed the high flair of her hip as he breathed deeply against her flesh--his nose perched right atop the spread of her lower lips. Looking up with glazed eyes, she caught sight of his own eyes closed and his brow furrowed in concentration.

It was then that his tongue passed over her very sharply causing her hips to jump at such a soar of sensation as he cackled darkly. She could practically feel the curl of his smile against her. Any pain she'd felt from her shoulder had easily been drowned out with the way his tongue was tormenting her.

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