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Minutes began to feel like hours to her as she waited for whatever he'd done to her next to begin to take effect. He'd been correct in her astutely placing a metaphorical finger on such matters. Attempts at calming her breathing had been completely in vain--or perhaps it should have been said that it was in her veins. Slowly she'd felt her body's pain dull in certain areas and heat up in others.

The Doktor had been idly watching, all the while, for her expression to shift. When it did his lips curled slowly in the most amused smile he could fathom. He'd leaned down and gently coiled his strong digits around the arrow still jutting out of her shoulder as her eyes widened in horror.

"Now, now, liebe, it will only hurt for a moment," he soothed and before the last word had even left his mouth completely the most agonized muffle left her throat that she could muster. Tears soon followed as she snapped her eyes closed--she wailing as much as she could despite her ability to project the noise.

"Shh. I certainly could not leave that inside you. At least you can't feel as much as you could have," he reasoned. He'd taken to shuffling around inside of his satchel again as she'd watched him pull a different sort of syringe--one that lacked any needle.

"I do want to try this new invention on you," he reasoned aloud as he took the large apparatus and without remorse shoved it straight into her wound. She yowled in her throat--barely a sound actually leaving her mouth as he slowly eased the plunger down, he removing the syringe as it emptied. To her surprise the puncture did not leak anymore of her blood as she raised her brow in curiosity despite her pain.

Her expression had been one that had elicited, from their beginnings, a sort of solidarity between the two. She, too, carried a scientist's mind--a constantly ebbing curiosity that continuously hungered to be sated.

"Wunderbar!" he exclaimed in delight. Typically the doktor tested all of his new concoctions on himself, but she had quickly become one of his 'go-tos' as an outside variable. In the end she supposed she did not mind. After all, better her than her traumatized teammates.

Much to her, albeit dulled, agony he'd repeated the process on her leg which had earned him nearly the same results. The only deviation had been that his anesthetics had deepened their course. Her body, full of some sort of biodegradable sealant, was in a stable state again. Perhaps it was then that she'd really noticed where his hand had lingered. Despite the need to dull her pain he'd appeared to have been mindful of just how much of it he'd used--he was a skilled man in his craft, psychosis aside.

The heat from under his gloves was easy enough to note, but it could never rival the raw sear between her thighs currently. Her eyes drank over the sight of the German in his most natural of states. Even if she could, she would never change him. He was far too fascinating and unique the way he was.

She had been pulled from her thoughts when she felt his digits trace her thigh slowly once he'd finished admiring his own patch work. Drawing her eyes closed her breathing had shifted to a heavier depth briefly as his digits paused right in their place. Instantly her eyes had opened again as she caught the sick smirk lining his features.

"It seems that despite your pain that your other senses are being coaxed on just as I want them to. Ausgezeichnet," he whispered the last word.

Even without her ability to speak, her eyes spoke enough to him. They were currently searching the calculating blue grays that were focused on her. What they sought was what he was after from here on out. She'd quickly been ripped from her thoughts as her eyes moved to his hands as he slowly removed the vibrant red gloves that protected his digits of disease.

Leaving them inside out to contain the traces of her blood that they were coated in, his bare hand returned to her thigh as his other moved to rest on her hip. She could not move her hand but she most certainly could feel his thumb rubbing slow circles against a patch of her exposed flesh.

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