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"Come in," she heard before obeying.

Pushing the door open to his office in the medical wing of the building, she gently pulled it behind her. He'd gestured for her to have a seat and she'd obeyed.

Just as he'd suggested, she'd cleaned herself up proper and changed clothes. Given the condition her night clothes were in plenty of questions would have been raised. The ironic part of it was that any elaborate excuse she'd of cultivated would have probably lead her right back to this very room, if not his operating theatre down the hallway.

"You look...refreshed," he started. He had cleaned himself up as well it seemed.

"I am as best I can be."

"Yes, I need to clean your wounds more thoroughly. I'm assured you were careful regarding them when you bathed, correct?"

She offered a nod in return as he moved to his feet.

When he stepped out from behind his desk, she wasn't surprised but amused by how far he went out of his way to keep appearances. His jack boots, surely, once layered in mud had been polished to a sheen along with hair that was freshly styled. The scent in the office was absolutely sterile with a mixture of antiseptic. Not a trace of outside clung to him.

Once in front of her he offered his hand; he was even mindful to have offered it to the side he had not wounded. When she took it she was easily tugged to her feet as he helped right her footing with an arm to her waist. Obvious to a man like himself, she carried a very faint aversion to applying pressure to the thigh he'd put a crossbow bolt through.

"Do you need help?"

"No, its just when I first stand initially," she assured.

Releasing his hand she stepped away from him as she moved towards the door and out to the operating theatre. She knew that was where he'd intended to take her.

With her back to him, she could feel his trained eyes boring into her. The real question was what he was specifically looking at. Was it her ass? She knew he was paying mind and keeping close enough, as she moved down the hallway, that should she teeter he'd be able to catch her.

It wasn't as though she'd falter that easily though--at least not when she didn't want to. That was one of the things that had attracted him to her besides the wits she kept about her. She was fiercely independent and exceptionally strong for a woman because of it. It was what made hunting her so appealing, and she knew it.

She gently shoved through the double doors in front of her which Viktor caught before they closed. Lingering at them a long moment he turned a sign on the door stating he was not to be disturbed, before entering in himself. It wasn't like anyone typically did unless it was an emergency situation anyway. Should even their brash Scout pass through to complain of some trivial matter, even he'd obey this sign over risking the Doktor's wrath by disturbing his solace.

"Please have a seat on the table," he said as she turned briefly to see him rolling up his sleeves. Doing as he asked, she quietly watched the thick muscles in his forearms dance under its skin to their task. When he was finished he moved in quick stride till his hips touched her knees. Instinctively the fine hairs on her own arms stood on end in the chilly room.

"Shall you take off your own clothes or shall I? Normally you'd of been naked by now," he whispered slyly as the corner of his mouth rose in time with her own brows.

Remaining silent and flabbergasted, the tips of her ears turned as red as the color swelling in her cheeks. His eyes remained affixed on her own as his fingers deftly moved to the red button down shirt she was wearing--its soft flannel material formerly keeping her warm as it opened.

It was his surprise, this time, when he was greeted by bare breasts when his eyes finally left her face. What made it all the better was his casual response.

"I'm glad you opted out of undergarments. They would have only irritated the wound," he said as he gently reached out cupping her breast in his palm as he gave it a squeeze, her nipples already hard. He did not linger long as he reached over grabbing a clamp sitting on a silver tray that had been prepped for such an occasion.

Unsure of what he had grabbed she looked to him questioningly as his hand returned to her chest. Tweaking her nipple his mouth moved to her throat as he began to place soft kisses along her nape. Just as she'd fallen completely into distraction, lost in the sensation of pleasure, she hissed sharply as she pulled away in sudden aggravation and pain. Slowly he'd straightened with a smile as his tongue ran over his lips. In his other hand was a clamp gripping the bloody gauze that had been wedged in her shoulder.

"Deceitful fucking..." she hissed sharply under her breath as she started to reach for her shoulder.

"Perhaps so," he said grabbing her wrist, "but it was effective, nonetheless. It would have hurt much more had I not done so first."

She simply grunted under her breath as he pulled her wrist to rest on his shoulder as he slipped in between her thighs. As his hands found her hips as he used them to pull her ass forward so that their hips touched in a provocative fashion. Turning to face her, he elevated her arm at just the right angle, before slowly reaching to his tray again. Within her sight, he picked up a pre-threaded suture set.

Her eyes seem to hold an air of concern that he quickly extinguishes with soothes of being gentle this time. Sometimes she wondered if his vocabulary even contained such a word, but she had long ago assured herself that he did even if it was only on occasion.

Each pluck into her skin was no more painful than a pin prick. Even a fool would take it over the previous sensation of the bolt ripping its way into her but also the gauze being ripped back out so forcefully.

She'd taken to looking away from him while he worked and across the way at a counter space used to store preserved organs. She could only imagine what was in his medical refrigerator right now. More than likely she probably didn't want to know despite her usual curiosities regarding his line of work.

A few more quiet moments passed before the sound of scissors pulled her back from her line of thought. "There we are," he announced.

Taking a step back, he brought her arm down to rest in her lap as he studied the sutures in motion. Running a finger over the skin around them for a moment, he quickly turned and set the surgical scissors in a separate tray for used tools. She could only assume he was pleased with his work.

"Your leg please?" he said when he turned--fingers moving to the hem of clean lounge pants.

"Of course."

Without another word, she gingerly raised her hips trying to put most of her weight on intact limbs. He eased them down her thighs leaving her panties in place. The smallest twist of a smile crossed his lips that she noticed instantaneously. Her eyes fell to where his were--eyes on the injected material that had stopped her bleeding.

"It's biodegradable, right...?" she asked sheepishly.

"Yes, but I should still treat it properly and suture it. There's too much in it for me to pull the sutures closed properly."

Her face fell slack as her eyes narrowed on him.

"I can always assist in a pleasant distraction," his words purred.

Her groan of annoyance was loud and dramatic partially to distract herself from how painful this next ordeal was sure to be. "Get on with it then."

"On your back," he commanded as she complied. "I'm going to strap you in so that you don't kick me in the face like last time."

Rolling her eyes, she raised her head to peer up at him.

"Frau, glasses are expensive. I only have so many extras laying about, and it is very hard for me to go to town as busy as I typically stay to retrieve a new set," he scalded.

It was true, typically their resident Heavy would visit town to retrieve anything he might have needed.


With that he eased her panties down her thighs before setting them in the same stack as the rest of her clothing--she now bare on the chilly exam table.

Where she was, she quietly eyed the mounted medigun above her. She was half tempted to ask why he simply couldn't of used it, but she knew exactly why he wouldn't. It was an unnecessary conversation. He loved her cries of agony and she enjoyed making them for him--that and there was her own twisted enjoyment of pushing her pain threshold higher and higher.

He would always do his best, with use of his travel-sized model, to keep her out of respawn but not in this situation of easily-managed flesh wounds.

Once she was strapped down he moved to take the liberty of securing her arms as well, although it not as necessary. A stray foot to his face was more out of reaction; she typically had enough resolve to keep herself from practically coming up off the table to strangle him.

When he appeared satisfied of his handiwork and the sight, he returned to his work. Bringing the tray closer she watched as he picked up a scalpel. Swallowing she kept as still as she could. As soon as the blade began parting her skin to widen the wound, she clinched her teeth trying to silence the sharper noises building in her throat. When she was sure he'd stopped she gasped.

"You're not making this very fun on me, Taube. Sing for me..." he whispered seductively.

He began to cut into her in a new area now without warning. What was once caught in her throat shot outwards sharply as her screams clung thickly in the air. Her lungs ached when he stopped, a slew of angry swears, German and English alike, filling the air on her part.

"You son-of-a-fucking--"

It was then that he slipped his finger around the edges of the sealant in her thigh as she shouted anew. She knew for a fact that nobody would come and check on the noise. The walls to his operating theatre had been specifically made to muffle sound. The only one who could hear her was himself. Sometimes she wondered how she hadn't shattered his ear drums in past encounters.

"Sehr Gut, Frau," he practically sang. "I'm almost done."

Suddenly a sharp twist was felt as she all but flew off the table--tears leaking down the corner of her eyes as she openly wept. "Please, no more...!" her voice boomed.

"You're doing so well though!" he called over her sobbing. "Ah, but fine," he soothed as his free hand moved between her legs as he soothingly touched her sweetest of spots in gentle circles. She could feel blood running down her leg as she opened her eyes.

He was hunched forward over the table as his bloody hand reached for his medigun. As he adjusted a few settings on it he casually aimed it over her thigh, on what she assumed, was the lowest possible setting it could manage. It was just enough to decrease the blood flow and stabilize the wound as he continued gently touching her.

"Calm down mien Liebe," he soothed as he slipped a finger into her surprisingly wet body.

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