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If "Viktor/Victor" means 'winner', and "Nikifor" is derived from the Slavic version Greek as "Nikiforos/Nicephorus/Nikephorus" meaning 'bringer of victory', AND "-ov" is 'son of', meaning, Viktor Nikiforov, basically means 'Winner Winnerson'.

Again, let me scream.

Viktor/ Viktor = Winner
Nikifor = Bringer of victory
-ov = son of

This lil shit,,,,


Katsuki = Born to win
Yuuri = Courage to win

Ergo, after the marriage, their names will either be:

(Viktor Nikiforov-Katsuki) Winner Winnerson-Born To Win,


(Yuuri Katsuki-Nikiforov) Courage To Win Born To Win-Winnerson.

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