Liam Payne?

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Zayn's POV

Louis, Niall, and I had camped out in front of Liams door, so we could hear the new song that he kept singing. It was soo good! Honestly though, we were literally camping out! We each had a sleeping bag, a pillow, and a lot of food! Especially Niall...  So far, we have heard Liam's entire song, except for the last few verses. I can't even descibe how good this boy is!...but he's not bad like me. All of a sudden, my favorite rap came into my head. 

"I'm a Bradford badboy, yo. I'm a Bradford badboy, yo!" I shouted. Oh no! Why am I so stupid! Liam is gonna hear me and then come out of his room and see us eavsdropping on him while he's  writing a new song! Stupid, stupid Bradofrd badboy. Just after I finished my thoughts, Liam walked out of his room, and tripped on Louis's bum, which was sticking up in the air.. I don't know what Louis was trying to accomplish, but it didn't work!

"God man!" Liam said as he stood up. All of a sudden, his eyes widened. I think he realized what we were doing. 

"How long have you guys been out here?" Liam asked.

"..Uhh...uhh..." We stammered.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." he said, as he stomped down the stairs and out of the front door. We heard it slam, before opening again. At this point, we were all watching Liam. 

" I forgot my jacket... and my shoes." Liam said. A few minutes later, he was out the door again, nowhere to be seen.


Liam's POV

I jumped into my car and drove to the hospital. I needed to see how Nicole was doing. When I finally arrived, I ran to her room, to see that no one was there. She had nobody with her! I can't believe this! She was now on her back, probably bcause the nurses had turned her over. Both arms were at her sides, her hands curled, as if they were waiting for my hands. I sat next to her hospital bed, and put my hand in hers, intertwining our fingers together, which we always did. Even though I was sitting right next to her, I still missed her so much, and felt like she was so far away. 

After a few minutes, I pulled out my notebook, and added to my song, which was now finished with. I decided to name it Moments. 

" Nicole, I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm going to sing a song I wrote for you." I said, my voice cracking. I took a deep breath before I started to sing quietly.


"Shut the door

Turn the light off

I wanna be with you

I wanna feel your love

I wanna lay beside you

I cannot hide this

Even though I try

Heartbeats harder

Time escapes me

Trembling hands touch skin

It makes this harder

And the tears stream down my face" ****TURN OFF SONG!!(: ****

I sang, but I couldn't go on. I was too upset.. I just stopped as a felt a tear coming down my face, just like in my song. 

"I'm sorry, Nicole. I can't sing this today." I said. Then, I felt a faint squeeze in my hand. I looked down at her hand in mine.

"Nicole!? Nicole?! Are you awake?" I asked, hopeful. But, she wasn't. She was still asleep. I put my head down next to Nicole, and fell asleep, my hand still in hers. 

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