Twenty one

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Yoongi found him in the storage room, in a pool of blood. The dark liquid was still dripping from his wrist. 

He held him so tightly. "Jimin! Jimin, what did you do?" He sobbed. He wasn't expecting this. He hated himself for this. He started this after all. 

"Fuck, Jimin, this was just a joke. We all decided to ignore you till your birthday as a prank. I had no idea it would escalate so far," he cried his heart out into the bleeding boy's chest. He called out for everyone. The manager. The members. The staff. 

Yoongi had never cried so hard in his life. 

Everyone arrived. Their faces dropping with utter shock. 

The ambulance was called. 

They took Jimin away. 

Thankfully, he was still alive, but the paramedics said that he might not survive till the time they reached. 

Yoongi bled tears. He blamed Namjoon for this. 

He told them that this was enough and they should stop with this pathetic joke. 

No one listened. 

Not even the eldest. 

Now Namjoon and the other's felt guilty. 

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