Chapter 3

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I run into the kitchen where my mom is making her "famous" Mac and cheese! I scream again and say I GOT INVITED TO MAGCON!😊😊 she says what the heck is magcon? I say to her it's where all the most watched or I guess you can say famous viners and youtubers go to meet their fans! what are you she says? mom really, I tell you this every single day, I'm a viner! she says oh ok when and where is it? I say it's in two days (Wednesday) and it's in nyc! she says oh ok you can go but you have to pay for your tickets. I say are you serious why can't we just drive? she says are you crazy did you forget that we live in California? No mom. she says do you want to go or not? I say yes and she says now go find those tickets! I run up the stairs and open up my Mac and go on eBay! I search for tickets and after like two hours and I find the perfect one. it was only 100 dollars and could come the next day with no shipping! I get out my credit card and type everything in and finally it is ordered! I lay down and try to take in what just happened in the last 4 hours and can't believe it! my heart is beating so fast and mind is thinking of nash! my mom calls me down for dinner and I shut my Mac and run down the stairs with the biggest smile on my face! I sit down and my dad said why don't you look happy! I say well yea because i got invited to magcon. he says oh that thing for the viners and stuff! I say yea! My mom calls my two brothers Mark and Dylan. They come up the stairs screaming and yelling. I tell them to shutup. they say how about you and hit me I stand out of my chair and am ready to hit them and they both back away. I say tmyou better think about what you do to me because mark your 9 and Dylan your 8 and I'm 16 so.. yea. after dinner I run back up the stairs and just can't believe my eyes!😊

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