A Boy Called Scabby

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Once upon a time in a small school outside the country side in Columbia Tennessee lived a boy. The boy had a name, it was Vince. Vince liked his name he found it quite intriguing and awesome.

However, his peers did not call him Vince. Despite how awesome the name was they could not call him Vince. They called him Scabby.

He was not called scabby for any significant reason. Only because he would eat his scabs that he picked off his arms. He was not nasty. He just thought they tasted nice. Eventually he got tired of being called Scabby because it was not even that cool of a name. So he decided to be called the most epic nickname in human history.

Pus Muffin.

He would bake his classmates muffins of different flavors but they all had the same filling. Puss cream. He would mix the pus from his pimples, scraped knees and stab wounds from the gang with sugar. He would fill each muffin with the mixture.

The kids went nuts they loved the pus cream. They did not know it was pus but what they did not know did not hurt them...yet.

He was called Muffin Boy.

But he wanted to be Pus muffin. So he told them all what was inside.

They threw him off a cliff

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