Chapter one.

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"Emma! Emma wake up it's the first day of the last week of school" I hear my mother as I sit up and rub my eyes.

"You just contradicted yourself you know that right?" I ask and rub at my eyes a little more, it is too bright and too earlier.

"Yeah well st-" she gets cut off by the sound of my alarm. She woke me up before I was even supposed to be up. I should go back to sleep just to despise her.

"Really mom?" I try not laugh when her cheeks flush. I tap the dismiss button on my phone. It's 6:30, great. I now have an hour to waste getting ready.

After my mom leaves my room, I get dressed in my regular jeans and a t-shirt, the t-shirts were my brothers but he passed away a couple months ago, from an overdose. And wearing his shirts help me think he's still here. But it's whatever.

My mom feeds me and I wait for my ride to get her. Yes, I don't have a fucking car yet. But luckily my best friend does. So I don't have to ride on that dingy bus everyday. I was scrolling through my contacts when a white prius pulls up to drive. "Get in loser we're going.. to school" I hear Louis say.

I laugh before walking down the walk and climb into his way to feminine car. Yes, before you ask. He is gay, if you didn't get that by the ridiculous Mean Girls comment. "It smells nasty in here" I say sniffing around as my nose scrunches up.

"Sex" Is all I hear him say, and I want to jump out of car but he is already speeding down the road.

"You had sex in here?" I ask, I didn't even know how that would work.. because lie.. Why am I thinking those things. Ew.

"Yesss, he was sooo amazing, and I think I might want to see him again." He says with a smirk because he knows how I feel about relationships since my last break up. We both agreed that being in relationships would be too hard handle. But I guess he got over that?

"Nice" Is all I say and he nods, I guess he forgot about that whole fucking two years! It doesn't matter, he's not the one that got his heart ripped out and smashed.

Finally we're at fucking school, I feel like he already knows that I'm pissed at him. And he knows better than to comment. He pulls into his regular spot, my mom texted to be careful like she always does before school. If she's up, which is rare. She was probably up all night, that's why she was awake this morning.

Louis breaks the silence before shutting off the car. "Soo, what are we doing the last day of school?" he says with a wink. And I smile softly, I know he has some crazy plan to go to a college party. He thinks I need to get laid, by a 'man' to relieve some 'stress' but I am not stressed.

"I was thinking movies and ice cream" I admit and step out of the car.

We conversate all the way to my class, his was next door. He convinces me that the party will be fun, and I need to have some fun. He won't tell me what college it is. But I figure that's because it's Harry's .. My exes. I don't want to think him right now, so let's just not. I groan and walk into class. "Nice to see you.. Finally" my english teacher chuckles and I roll my eyes. He's always on my case I wasn't even late.

All day I think about going to this party, what if I see him and he's with someone else? What happens if he see's me and wants to talk about it. What happens if he- Nope I could not see him. End of fucking thinking.

At the end of the day I decide to take the bus home, I tell Louis my mom picked my up earlier. And he buys it I just can't face him right now. I sit in the front of the bus and listen to songs on my phone.

Finally, home sweet home. I know my mom is either passed out or out a friends. She had more than me. I'm graduating in less than three days and I couldn't care less. I know there's parties everyday of this week at the local colleges. Apparently because the upperclassmen want to get their freshmans. I make a sandwich before deciding against calling Louis to take me to a party. I'm all up for the drinking, and smoking shit. But I like doing that alone, or with my brother. But obviously that wasn't going to happen.

All I remember is falling asleep with my face on the desk. "Emma wake the fuck up" I hear a squeaky voice yell in my ear as I'm being shook. It was Louis and why was he here. Ugh.

"What?" I finally say and lift my head wiping my hands down my face.

"We're going to a party" he does this little dance that makes me want to punch him, all of the time.

"No" is all the comes out of my mouth, and I hope he knows not to pester.

"Yes, come onnn, stop being so grumpy. It's a frat house, and we both know that he won't be there. Because he is too much of a dumbass to get into one" Louis states with a smile. And I know he's right, so I weigh out my pros and cons before nodding. Louis jumps up and down, "you are not wearing that, go put those shorts on and ooo that blue shirt that makes your boobs look awesome. And let your hair down."

I'm too tired to fight against all that he said. I squeeze into the shorts, that are a little too short, which I doubt anyone would mind. I decide against the blue shirt and slide a Rolling Stones shirt over my head. I know Louis won't mind, because I'm putting my hair down. Which I never do. I put some mascara on, which I also never do. But Harry and my brother used to tell me that I looked beautiful with it on. So I did. I put my black converse on and walk out to Louis with my headphone and phone in hand.

When Louis sees me he claps his hands and I pout. The car ride there was all Miley Cyrus, I tried to block it out but it was too loud. When we pull up, he parks a block away so they don't trash his car. He hands me the keys because he knows I won't get as wasted. I can hear the music as I step into the humid air. Louis waves bye to me as soon as we walk into the house. "Lou-" But he disappeared into the crowd. Of course he left me, of course.

I find a cup and pour myself a drink, I hate the way beer tastes so I'll stick to whipped cream vodka. I lean against the counter and tap my cup to the beat of the music.

"Emma" I hear a raspy voice say my name. I turn to see Harry, with a girl attached to his hip. Of course. Of fucking course. "I didn't know you'd be here." he said and the girl gives me a dirty look.

"I didn't know it was any of your business." I say and turn back around so I don't have to see him. I would walk away but there is nowhere for me to go. I can't leave Louis.

"I'll be upstairs ready for you" she says to him. I cannot believe out of all people I see, I see him. I knew I shouldn't have come. I hope he goes with her. But unfortunately he moves so he standing next to me. I don't dare say anything or tell him to move, because I know my words would be gibberish. Usually I'm good with comebacks and shit, but with him. I never was.

I take a quiet sip of my drink. And hope he doesn't try to conversed with me. You wanna know how we broke up.

"Emma please. I know that you're stressed with everything that has happened with Jesse and me going to college.. But you can't be doing this." I hear him say over the phone.

"Yes, I can and I am.. I just.. Can't right now" I speak, my brother passed away a week ago and my boyfriend apparently doesn't have time to come see me. When he goes to the college twenty minutes from here. Fucking bullshit. We've been dating for two years and friends since I was nine.. Well he was more my brothers friend before we started dating. So I don't get why he's not said.

"Emma please listen to me, I love you can't do this." He whispers, that's when I notice he's been whispering the entire time.

"Why are you whispering Harry?" I ask, and I can only think of the reasons.

"My roommate.. Is uh.. sleeping" and I can tell right now through the phone that he is lying.

Right before I was about to say something. "Babe get off the phone" I hear a muffled girl voice say in the background.

Tears form in my eyes and hang up the phone quickly. That's what he was busy with, all this time. Why would he want me anyway.

He called me for weeks after that, and texted me. I never answered once, he showed up at my house, and tried to give me flowers. I told my mom to tell him I wasn't here. He even showed up at my school, but Louis cussed him out before he could get to me. That was the last I heard or seen him for a few months, until now at least.

"So did Louis drag you here?" Harry breaks the silence between us and I want to punch him in the balls and run. But I don't, I just nod like the pussy I am.

"I missed yo-" He starts and I don't let him finish. Before I take a quick sip of my drink and get ready for what has been bottled up inside of me for the past year almost.

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