To Enter Or Not to Enter?

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Theodosia's P.O.V.

"Ok, here goes," said Angie.
It was lunch time, and quite a crowd was gathered around the Goblet of Fire.

"Angie, Angie, Angie!" chanted her sisters. Eliza had done her best to persuade Angie not to enter but to no avail, Angelica and Peggy had their hearts set on entering.
Peggy, like Alex, was too young to enter and was desperately plotting for a way to get in.
Angelica took a deep breath and dropped the pale pink paper reading:
Angelica Schuyler
into the blue flames.
One by one other people came and dropped their names in. James Potter and Sirius Black came bounding in trailing Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew and an echoing cheer rose up from the crowd.

"Alright!" yelled James and the entrance hall exploded again. James and Sirius ran forward and, with a flourish, threw their names into into the Goblet of Fire.

"Ayyyyyyy!" yelled Maria, "Gryffindor! Gryffindor!"
Suddenly a silence fell in the room. The Durmstrang favourite for the tournament, Victor something or other, strode in. The surrounding Durmstrang students yelled and stamped. There was a huge roar when he dropped his name in.
Suddenly the double doors burst open again and three figures strode in.

"Is that Herc?" asked Eliza who had silently appeared behind us.

"And Laf!" whispered Peggy

"Whose the other one?" asked Angelica.
I felt Alex go rigid next to me and took a closer look at the small figure between Herc and Laf.

"John," choked out Alex, "no, no, no and he made to scramble down. Angelica put out her arm.

"Leave him," she said.

"But what if he gets chosen, he'll be torn to shreds."

"He'll be ok Alex, and anyway, he won't be chosen. The chance must be 200 - 1."

"You're right, as always" said Alex and the five of us turned back to the three figures slowly approaching the goblet.
Herc was grinning broadly, a look
of total confidence on his face. He looked up and waved at us before continuing up the centre of the hall. John was stoney faced, his jaw set and his eyes, flickering neither left nor right, stared at the goblet unblinkingly. Laf, as always, was unfazed.

"One," said Herc.

"Deux," grinned Laf.

They both looked at John.

"Three," he said quietly.

                ~ 1 hour earlier ~

John's P.O.V.

I sat by the lake with, if you'd asked me an hour ago, people I would have said were my best friends.

"Come on Laurens, be a man," said Herc bracingly.

"Come on mon petit," grinned Laf, "imagine if you won, ETERNAL glory John."

"Laf's right," said Herc.

I was having a serious internal struggle. On the one hand, if I won my dad would have to be proud of me. He could stop looking at me like I was a mistake, he could forget about my sexuality and I could show him I was just as much of a man as he was.
On the other hand, the tournament had a death record, that wasn't something to mess around with.

"Come on John, the chances of you being chosen are minute anyway," this was Laf,
"come ON mon ami."

That was how I found myself walking down a long hall lined with people. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the cup, I could hear cheering and see Herc waving out of the corner of my eye. We had reached the age line.

"One," said Herc confidently stepping over it.

"Deux," grinned Laf joining him.

The entire hall was looking at me, I could run and face eternal shame or I could walk one more pace and drop a torn piece of parchment into a fire.

"I'll be back when I've made you all proud," I whispered. "Three."

Together we threw our papers into the goblet.

Hercules' P.O.V.

We did it! I felt jubilation run through me, then, without warning the doors broke open again and a group of girls all dressed in blue fluttered into the room. Their giant headmistress walked behind them.
Each sang their name as they dropped their slips in. The last girl, probably the tallest and blondest of them all, caught Laf's eye and smiled.
Laf smiled back as she shouted

"Adrienne de Noailles" and let her name flutter down to be engulfed by flames. She turned to follow her school out the hall.
Go, just go, I willed her but just as she reached the door she turned, and winked before turning her back and hurrying away.
A hot jealousy rose in me faster then I could control it.

"Patrificus Totalus!" I bellowed pointing my wand at Adrienne's retreating back. She fell forward, stiff as a board. The hall froze, everyone looked at me in horror, I turned and ran.
Shock flooding my brain, I dashed towards the doors into the great hall. Behind me I heard a horribly familiar French accent cry

I felt the spell hit me and I was suspended for a second before being blasted forwards. I knew no more.

Or Worse, Expelled - A Hamilton/Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now