~*~Chapter Two~*~

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He had survived.  That's all that mattered to Draco Malfoy.  He had survived.  Once that reality had sunken in, he realized that he no longer gave a damn.  He dyed his hair with real dye, pierced his ears (however only with the smallest gauges, he wasn't mental), and stopped caring about who saw the mark on his arm.  Hell, he even pushed up his sleeves so they would.  Let them see that I'm not going to try and hide my mistakes, but acknowledge them.  Let whomever wanted to hate him do just that, though they would have to get in line.

The encounter with Harry and Ron that had just taken place was the most decent encounter Draco ever had with them, besides the first encounter he had with Malfoy while getting his robes for the first time.  However, that was more him talking and Harry staring at him very confused, and he bet even then he was being a snob.  Now, he still didn't get along with them, he didn't think that would ever really be possible, but he had the slightest feeling that the hate, once so noticeable between the three boys, had somewhat diminished after the war.  Or maybe he had just imagined it, he wasn't all that sure.  He hadn't gotten a restful night in what felt like a decades, even if he was only 18 now.  At first it was due to the anxiety about everything that followed being branded by the dark.  Then it was because of he nightmares.  No matter the spell or charm or potion, nothing could make the replaying images of war disappear from his mind every time he started to doze off.  He was fully aware of the part he plated in getting the Death Eaters into Hogwarts, and that had forever changed him.


"This year is going to be very different year for all of us," Headmistress McGonagall was saying.  "It will be a learning experience.  I ask you to be patient with us as we will be with you.  Before we start tonight's feast, I have one final announcement, as we have a new staff remember, Dr. Saturn, who is here for the sole purpose of listening.  Returning students, especially those who personally fought against Voldemort-" The name still made most people in he Great Hall shift uncomfortably in their seats.  "-are encouraged to see him, no matter the time."  She motioned to whom Harry gathered to be the before mentioned Doctor Saturn.  He was a lot younger than Harry expected, looking to be in his mid 30s, but almost impossible to tell how old he really was as wizards age differently than muggles.  He had short light brown hair, spectacles, and was much thinner than Harry thought a man whose job consisted to sitting down and listening should have been; he imagined him to have a body type more like Professor Slughorn, their potions Professor.  The doctor cleared his throat before speaking.

"My office will always be open, even if you do not want to talk.  If you're having a restless night, lets say, special permission has been given if you would like to come and just sit in a bright room and drink tea.  Do not be nervous or too embarrassed to come see me.  I can assure you that nobody will judge you for doing so, especially not myself."  With that, he sat down and food filled the golden plates on each table and the feast began.

That night in the seven year Slytherin boy's dormitory, Draco though he'd go mad.  He had gotten used to the silence of home, so now every noise the castle made, the noises the lake made at night that had once lulled him to sleep how made him almost jump out of his skin.  He could no longer leave his bedroom lights on all night.  As much as Draco despised even the mere thought of going to see the odd little Dr. Saturn, the idea of light and a cozy chair and tea was tempting.  However, if that night were to come, tonight would not be it.


Hermione Granger was one of the first students to go see Doctor Saturn.  After leading the twelve new Gryffindors into their designated dormitories, she decided to talk with him, remembering the location of his office from when McGonagall told them after the feast (where she ate more than usual).  It was located in the same corridor as the library on the first floor and used to be an unused classroom used for storage, as it was a lot smaller than the rest.  One of the first things she noticed about his office was the lack of a door.  Her eyes shifted from the door frame to the inside of the room.  The inside appeared to be made out of brick, which she assumed was just how he had wished it to appear, like how the Professors magically decorated their own offices.  There were two large red, very elegant looking armchairs with a small table in between the two where there were two steaming mugs and an English afternoon tea three-tier tray with little sandwiches and different pastries.  This was set in front of a large fireplace.  Sat in one of the chairs was the doctor, smoking a pipe (which made the room smell warm and smokey and inviting), and reading a book, his classes balanced on his nose.  Hermione cleared her throat.

"Doctor Saturn, sir?"

He readjusted his glasses, set his pipe on the table and turned his head smiling.  "Come in, come in.  Sit down, have some tea," he said dog-earing the page of his book and setting it down.  Hermione sat down and started to fumble with her fingers.

"Sir, I've been reading up, in muggle books back home, about soldiers coming back home from war in body, but not particularly in mind, as well as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and have noticed the similarities between them and me.  Loss of appetite, irritability, constant flashbacks..."

"Are you asking me ways to bring these things to an end, confirm or deny your having PTSD, would you just like to talk, Miss-"

"Hermione Granger, sir"

"Miss Granger," he said with a nod.

After a moment of silence Hermione said, "I believe I'd prefer just talking about it with a professional.  My parents are muggles and don't even know who Voldemort was, and therefor have no idea how to empathize with me during this, and my boyfriend and friends were there with me, and have started to get a little angry when I bring it up and tell me that they were by my side and don't have any interest in re-living it, which I completely understand, but I do have to talk about it, and I believe doing so with a professional is best."  She honestly would talk about it with anyone, even Milicent Bulstrode if she had to, for if she didn't she felt she'd go mad.   So she talked.  She talked past curfew, and Dr. Saturn patiently listened, saving all questions until the end.  Hermione felt so relieved as she walked into the common room late that night.  She climbed into bed and for the first time in weeks had a good nights rest.

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