My new sister from another mister

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Drew’s P.O.V

“NOW!!”She said I know her Luna side is showing up and my wolf hasn’t stopped bothering me to at least mark her but with the whole Nick shit I’m not gonna do it with ut her permission but Ima get the permission.

With that I pick her up and take her to the forest

“ANDREW PUT ME DOWN NOW” She says kicking and smacking my back d.a that feels good is like a mini massage.

“Ok” I put her down in the middle of my IT spot, It’s the spot I come to calm down and feel better

“Ok so before you start screaming and yelling I want to say I’m sorry for what happened after practice I just got mad because of Nick and I knew you weren’t telling me something but its ok you don’t gotta tell me.” I tell her

With that she steps up and pecks me on my lips

“You owe me a dinner.” She says smiling “Where do you wanna go princess?” I ask smiling and picking her up

“Well right now I think we should go back to school before 3rd period its Ashley’s Birthday and Ima spend it with her” She said kissed my cheek walked of swaying her hips

“Oh and My little Alpha” She said looking at me with a smirk. Oh no I don’t like that smirk

“You aint marking me any time soon.” She said pulled the middle finger and running of. I always like the chase

Sophie’s P.O.V

Drew did said sorry but that doestnt mean ima forgive him and let him mark me just like that he gotta earn it, Plus Werewolves like that chase

When I got to class It was the end of the 2nd period I went to my locker to get my science book

“SOPHIE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN.” Ashley asked as I went to my desk

“Oh don’t worry I was kidnap by Drew.” I tell her looking at her priceless face expression

“What happened?” She asked

“I guess we kinda made up but Im playing hard to get but enough bout me ITS YOUR B-DAY omg you’re gonna find your mate wait did you find him already, OMG I fell like a bad friend tell me everything who when were?”

“Well about that my mate is kinda your brother please don’t get mad” She says kinda scared

“Why would I be mad that means we gonna be sisters omg we gonna run the pack now we need to throw parties like every week and decorate the house omg I’m so hype!!!”

Her being my brothers mate (his a beta) means that us two run the pack house we decide everything in the house and help the pack members and our mates run the important business well idk really what they do, but we gonna make this pack way better well at least when we mate completely with our mates that’s when they get there full tittle.

“OH Thank God (no offence if u don’t believe) I thought you were gonna flip.”

“I will never, so tell me how it happened?” I ask her kinda excited when I was little I used to love to hear the stories about the kids’ parents in day care of how they found each other

“Well it all started this morning before first period I was looking for you and seen your brother walk away from you with a smile. Then I smelled the most amazing smell and I looked in front of me and it was your brother, we just stare at each other and we started talking and he said he will talk to me when I got over to your house!” she tells me

“Aw that’s mad cute just keep it pg. next to me I do not need to see ya sucking faces next to me.” I tell her

“I have to see you suck Drew’s face all the time but don’t worry I’ll try,” She tell me with a blush.

With that the teacher tells us to take a sit and she starts the lesson.

So I will update again tomorrow or tonight which is tomorrow technically but I still need ya answer if I should do there steamy scene or leave it pg-13

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