Unexpected Propositions

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We seemed to fly through the meal quickly, even though we had been sitting around the table for about two and a half hours. Everyone was now relaxing and having a laugh, and some of us were even having a dance to the music playing around the dance floor.

I had just popped to the bathroom and was walking back through the room to grab some drinks for the guys when I bumped into someone. “Oh, sorry” I apologised to the figure “no problem” a smooth French accent replied to me. Looking up, I saw it belonged to Romain Grosjean, the other Lotus driver. I laughed a little nervously and the usually rosy cheeked driver smiled back at me. “Nice to meet you Romain” I said quietly, making him smiled in a surprised manor, “likewise,” he nodded, “I haven’t seen you around here before?” he asked me, as well as stated. “She is with Hulkenberg” another voice joined in our conversation. I looked to his left and saw Kimi stood there looking at me. “Oh, we’re just friends; I’m actually here this weekend with Laura and Paul Di Resta.” I found myself explaining to them. I noticed Kimi raise his eyebrow a little. “You are not with him?” he asked. I shook my head no. “I thought he was punching above his weight.” He replied. That shocked me, and made me wonder if he had seen Nico’s tweet. Surely not? I didn’t know how to respond to that. “Excuse me.” Romain nodded at me respectfully, I smiled and nodded, seeing him walk away. “What is your name?” Kimi asked me, carrying on an unexpected conversation. “Victoria, Victoria Armstrong” I answered him. He nodded at me, “so you are here for the racing? Or Italy?” he asked me. “I assume you are asking if I am a fan?” I raised my eyebrow. He shrugged nonchalantly. Typical Kimi and his ‘iceman’ status. “I am a fan, since I was little.” I explained. “I’m just usually in the stands, not the garage” I shrugged, smiling lightly. “And where do you prefer?” he asked me, I pondered a moment. “Well, I’ve not experienced the race from the garage yet, but I love being out with the fans, there’s nothing like that atmosphere” I told him. He nodded, “yes, I agree. In rallying I liked to be out there watching” he nodded. I briefly remembered him leaving F1 to go rally driving a year or two ago. “So if you are not with Hulkenberg, maybe you could join another garage this weekend?” he offered, taking a gulp of the clear liquid in his glass. I raised an eyebrow at him. “What kind of guest would I be if I ditched my hosts?” I asked him, finding myself stood with my hand on my hip. He chuckled at my sassiness. “Doesn’t matter, you’d be in the right garage” he replied. “And what garage is that?” I asked, quite amused at his boldness. “Mine” he scoffed like I’d asked him a stupid question. I grinned at him, amused at his attitude. He looked straight into my eyes with those ice blue eyes of his and stepped closer to me. “You wouldn’t like a night with the iceman?” he asked me. Okay, I admit, part of me was freaking out that the Kimi Raikkonen was hitting on me, I mean, he was the best driver in formula one, but the other part of me knew he was just after me for one night, and that just wasn’t my style. “I think I’ll take a rain check Raikkonen” I grinned at him, seeing his face screw up a little in the unexpected rejection. “I’m sure you will Victoria” he purred at me, and I grinned at him and shook my head as I turned away and headed to my original destination of the Force India table.


“I do believe I just got asked to go to someone’s hotel room tonight” I sighed as I took my seat beside Laura. “what?!” she gasped, looking between me and Nico, who was currently sitting across the table from us, and who turned his head to look at us after her outburst. “Not him!” I scoffed at her, with a grin on my face. She frowned, “then who?!” she asked, not sure whether to be confused or intrigued. “Kimi” I whispered, eliciting another gasp from her. “You’re joking?!” she asked, causing the four guys across the table to look over at us again. “Shh!” I whisper shouted at her, making her giggle and close her mouth. “What happened?!” she asked excitedly. Just as I was about to explain to her, Paul called across the table, “what’s going on?” now I wanted the ground to swallow me up. Laura and I looked at each other, “we can’t have a private conversation with you around can we?!” she said, raising an eyebrow at him. He grinned boyishly at her and then turned back to the guys and resumed their previous conversation.

“... and eventually said that if I wasn’t with Nico did I want to join another garage this weekend.” I quickly filled Laura in on my conversation with the firey Finn.
“The nerve of him!” she gasped, I nodded in agreement. “I asked him what kind of guest I’d be if I ditched you, he said that I’d be a guest in the right garage” I carried on, she shook her head, “so I asked who’s garage, and obviously he said his own, and then proceeded to ask if I wanted a night with the iceman!” I told her, laughing at the sheer nerve of the guy. “Well, he has balls, I’ll give him that” she laughed, shaking her head once more. “I know, and I get the feeling that he isn’t going to take no for an answer” I said, pulling an unsure face at her. Laura nodded a little and glanced over to Nico. “I think someone won’t be very happy when they hear about this…”

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